Birthday~Stiles Stilinski

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(F/s) favorite shirt
(F/p) favorite pants
(F/sh) favorite shoes
(H/c) hair color

Today was your birthday! And you wanted it to be spent with your boyfriend Stiles. "Y/n wake up!" You heard frantically. "What's going on." You asked, still half asleep. "It's your birthday!" You heard your boyfriend, Stiles exclaim. "Yes, it is." You said, laying back down. You felt Stiles crawl onto your shared bed, then his lips on yours. "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!" You said, pulling away, laughing. "Neither have I now get dressed!" Stiles jokingly demanded.

You pull the covers back and go to take your shirt off, then notice Stiles is still in the room with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Later, Stiles," you chuckled, turning to face him. "Eh, worth a shot," he said, finally leaving the room. You put on your favorite outfit, which consists of (f/s) and (f/p) finished off with (f/sh). You brushed out your hair and then went to brush your teeth.

You walk downstairs after brushing your teeth to see Stiles running around the house. "Stiles?" You questioned, slightly laughing at the sight in front of you. He stopped to look at you and completely dropped everything and had a awe struck look on his face. "Should I change?" You asked shyly. "No, absolutely not. You look beautiful." He said, walking over to you, kissing your forehead.

A few minutes later, you heard a knock at the door. You walk over to find Lydia and Scott at your door. "Happy birthday!" They said together. "Aw thanks guys come in," you said, moving aside to let them in. Scott walked away to find Stiles. "We are taking you shopping." Lydia said firmly. "You dont have to tell me twice!" You said happily.

(Stiles pov)
"Scott, you gotta keep her away for a few hours, got it? And if you don't, I will have you de-balled got it!" Stiles said. "Okay dude, I got it me and Lydia are taking her shopping. Are you sure you got this? Have you even ever baked anything before?" Scott said, watching his best friend run around the kitchen. "Well, see now, go!" He said, pushing Scott out of the kitchen.

(Normal pov)
"Stiles, Scott, and Lydia are taking me shopping, okay?" You said, hugging him. "Okay, sounds good. Don't be gone too long." He joked, pecking his lips on yours. "Okay, bye!" You said as you walked out the door.

(Stiles pov)
"And two cups of flour," he muttered to himself as he dumped two cups of flour into the automatic mixer. "And turn it onnn and," he said, not knowing that the mixing speed was at the highest speed. And flour goes everywhere. He stands there, flour caked onto the walls. And the ceiling? "Oh damn," he said in defeat. "No, it's fine. I have to keep going. I got this!" He said excitedly. Then, I wondered if he was going insane talking to himself.

(Normal pov)
"Now this would look amazing on you, with your (h/c) hair," Lydia said, handing you a dress. Dresses weren't exactly your thing, but it was a good-looking dress. "I found a hat," Scott said, with a smug look on his face, putting the hat on your head. "Wonderful, Scott." You said patting him on the back.

As the hours pass and the multiple clothes Lydia throws at you to try on, it was time to go back to Stiles' house. The drive home was pretty quiet. Which was fine with you, it's been a long day.

(Stiles pov)
As i put the final touches of frosting on the cake, I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I take a step back to look at the complete masterpiece that I've created. I heard a key open the door.

(Normal pov)
As you walk in the door, you smell something burnt? Then Stiles came running out of the kitchen. "Don't go in there it's uhhh contaminated yeah thats it," he said. "Contaminated, huh? Okay, I'll stay out here then, " you said, putting your bags down. "Thank you for buying me clothes, Lydia. I really appreciate it. You said, going over to hug her. "Hey, you're my best friend, and it's your birthday." She replied, hugging you back. "Who wants cake!" Stiles beamed, throwing his arms in the direction of the kitchen. "Stiles, uhh buddy, I think I'll skip this time." Scott said, already smelling the burnt-ness of the kitchen. (A/n yes, burnt-ness is a word now).

"Yeah, I think I'll head out too. Thanks for the offer, though! Happy birthday Y/n" She said finally, as they both walked out. "Don't worry, I'll have cake, Stiles." You said, cupping his cheek in your hand. "Okay! I'll go get it!" He explained, running into the kitchen.You sat down at the table waiting for Stiles to come out, wondering what could've burnt.

"Happy birthday to you." Stiles finished, setting the cake down on the table. It was a very lopsided cake. And it had what appeared to be a fondant sculpture of you and him. Very interesting. "Wow, thank you, Stiles! It looks amazing!" You said, reaching over to hold his hand. "Here, have some," he said, getting you a slice. You took a bite, and it tasted good, but ever so slightly burnt. "It tastes really good Stiles good jo,b"youu replied. "I'm just going to get some wate,r"youu said, walking to the kitchen. Before Stiles could stop you, you walked over the threshold of the kitchen and saw the disaster of the kitchen. "Wh-what, Stile,  why is there flour everywhere!" You laughed.

"Yeah umm funny you should as that." He responded, slightly embarrassed. "Let's have a fashion show. Let's see what you got!" He said, trying to change the subject. "Okay!" You said, grabbing your bags and going to your shared room. You decided to put on the dress that Lydia suggested first. It was a red dress that clung to all the right places and cut off about mid-thigh.

You put it on, re-adjusted your hai,  and walked down the stairs. "Wel,  this is the first on,e" you said, turning in a circle to show your boyfriend. The look of pure amazement on Stiles's face. He walked over to yo,  put his hands on your waist,  and smashed his lips on yours. "We can look at the other ones tomorr,ow" he said, picking you up and walking to your room.

Do with that what you will. Thanks for reading! Love yall! This was 1116 words!!! Wow!

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