Insecurities~Derek Hale

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☆if this could be triggering in any way, please dont read. You are beautiful and worthy. No matter what. So, if this could be triggering, please don't read. This is  kinda specific because I've been struggling with this lately.☆

☆Slight Swearing☆
☆Mentions of not eating.☆

You've always had self-image problems. No matter what you did, no matter what you told yourself, you couldn't stand the sight of yourself. But when you would catch a glimpse of yourself, you couldn't look away. Your eyes looked for every little flaw or imperfection. It was like a hammer, pounding your chest in.

You've never understood why Derek was dating you. He was basically a Greek God. And you, you weren't sure.

Every time you would be watching a movie or TV show with Derek, you'd look at all of the beautiful actresses. How perfectly thin they all were. Jealously was a rotten feeling. And that's what you felt every time you and Derek were out in public. The flawless waitresses flirting with Derek like you weren't even there.

It sucked. Derek knew that you were insecure about yourself, but he didn't know how much you disliked yourself. He didn't know just how much you hated the mere sight of yourself. But you didn't want to burden him with it.

Lydia had brought you over some magazines because she saw a dress that she thought that you'd like. You were flipping through it to see which one she was thinking of. But you couldn't help but look at all of the models. Perfect skin, thin bodies this color hair that different dress.

A wave of sadness washed over you as you flipped more pages. More perfect girls. You crumpled up the book, letting a few pages fall out. You sobbed into your hands, finally letting your emotions out.

You heard Derek's car pull into the parking lot. So you shoved as many of the pages that you could find, and you shoved them into the trash bin. You wiped your eyes just in time for Derek to come walking in the door. "Hey." You acknowledged, sitting down at the table. "What, no kiss?" He joked, walking over to you, kissing your cheek. You didn't know what to say, so you didn't say anything.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked, setting the groceries down on the counter. "Nope. Everything is just fine." You lied. You didn't know why you kept lying to him about if you're fine. He's a werewolf for shits sake. He looked at you skeptically. "Is store bought fettuccine okay for dinner?" He asked, pulling out the tin container. You nodded your head yes, not wanting to speak.

You didn't want to eat. That's the last thing that you wanted to do.

You sat down at the table with Derek across from you. He had already put your food on your plate, so there was already more that you wanted to begin with. You picked around with your fork, taking a few small bites. "Is it warm enough?" Derek checked. "Yeah, it's warm, thank you." You murmured.

You didn't want to be short with him. But you didn't want to eat. But you also didn't want him to think that anything was wrong.

"Well, there's something going on. You can talk to me, you know that, right?" He said finally. He sounded so concerned. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked again nervously. "No, you didn't do anything it's fine. I'm fine."

You picked on a few more noodles, feeling Derek's eyes burning into yours. You didn't like it when he looked at you for too long. You were afraid that'd he'd find another flaw. "Thank you for dinner." You said quickly, standing up and walking to the kitchen. You set your plate down on the counter as Derek walked in after you.

"Did you eat enough?" He asked nervously once again. "Yeah." You murmured, walking as quickly as you could up the metal stairs. You heard him set his plate down harsher than he usually would with a heavy sigh. Tears started to spring in your eyes as you made it to your bedroom door.

You never meant to make him mad. But you couldn't take it anymore. You wanted him to know how you were feeling, but you didn't know how to tell him. You couldn't take it anymore.

You heard Derek's soft knock at your door. You didn't bother wiping your tears, "Come in." You muttered. He slowly opened the door, letting himself in. He noticed the tears in your eyes and rushed over, putting you in his lap.

You slid off, not wanting to crush his legs. "What's wrong, love?" He begged, pretending not to notice you sliding off of his legs. You watched his eyes flicker to the shredded magazine in the trash bin. Realization washed over his face. But he didn't say anything.

"Why do you bother dating me? I'm not all that good-looking. I'm not thin. I just don't get it. You could date any other person but you chose me and I don't know why." You sobbed into his shoulder.

The look on his face broke your heart. He now had tears running down his face.

He let you cry your tears out. Letting your emotions be free before he spoke.

"I chose you because you're beautiful. Inside and out. No matter what you may think, I think that you are one of the most perfect person to walk this earth. I chose you because you're funny. I choose you because you're smart, even if you don't think so. I choose you because no matter how hard everything got, how dark everything seemed, you kept your head held high. You. Are. Beautiful, perfect, attractive, and sexy woman to ever live."

"And I like having something to hold at night." He finished.

He cupped your cheek in his, bringing you in for a kiss. It was soft and full of love. "Thank you." You sniffled, lowering your head to his neck. That's the reassurance that you needed.

"Do you want to finish dinner?" He questioned lovingly, brushing hair out of your eyes. You smiled, finally letting him pick you up.

"You are stunning." He whispered into your ear roughly.

Well, that's it! I've been struggling with this a lot lately. So, why not write about it with my comfort character, right? Lol. If you ever feel stressed and need to talk, I'll be here, lol. Thanks for reading!

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