Wait forever~Derek Hale

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Ah, the bookstore. It's one of your favorite places in Beacon Hills. If it weren't for the store you would've left ages ago. Mainly because of the supernatural.

You were restocking the books at the front counter when a customer came in. "Good morning." You spoke, glancing at him, but not really looking at him. "Good morning." He said. Damn his voice hot.

You looked up at him finally. Taking sight of his black hair paired with his green eyes. He had a perfectly sculpted jawline with a slight stubble. "I um- how can I uh, help you?" You stammered while blushing. He smiled and looked down. He looked back up at you with his cheeks tinted pink.

"I um, I forgot." He chuckled. He really did have a wonderful smile. "I'll go look around and um, see if I can uh, find anything." He stuttered, pointing in the other direction. "If you need anything, just ask me." You offered, watching him walk off in the direction of the mythology section.

You knew who he was. You went to high school with him, and Paige was your best friend. He probably didn't remember you. You both only spoke a few times. So you understood why he wouldn't remember you.

He came back to the counter with a James Dashner book. "That's a good one." You smiled. "Knowing that you've said that, it's even more of a reason to buy it." He chuckled, handing it to you. "Well, if you need any more book recommendations, I'll be here." You joked, giving him his receipt.

"Have a nice day." He said, walking out the door. "Oh! If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" He asked, stopping the door from closing all the way. "(Y/n)." You said, hoping that he'd remember you. "(Y/n), that's a pretty name." He repeated, finally closing the door behind him.

You sighed as he walked away. You really did think that he would've remembered you by your name. But alas, he didn't.

(Time skip because once again, I'm lazy)

Derek was always on your mind as you worked throughout the days. You thought that he had moved away. You had no idea that he was back in Beacon Hills. You had a little bit of a crush on him in high school. But he was dating your best friend so you never got the chance to go out with him.

"Hello, welcome in." You said as the door opened. You continued stacking the books on a shelf, not bothering to look at who came through the door. "(Y/n), right?" Someone asked. You knew that voice. You turned around to see Derek.

You didn't want to seem like you've been thinking about him almost every day. But you also didn't want to seem like you had no idea who he was. "Yeah, my name is (Y/n)." You said finally. Well shit that just got slightly embarrassing. Why did you say that!?

He chuckled, "You said that you'd have book recommendations? I was in here about a month ago." He said. "I also, um, found out that we went to high school together." He added. Well, at least he knew now. "Trust me, I remember you." You chuckled, leading him to a book that you think he'd like.

"Good things, I hope?" He laughed quietly. "Mostly." You joked. He used to have the habit of pranking teachers. If you could even call them pranks. It was usually him pulling the fire alarm, flooding the bathroom, taping chalk and erases to the ceiling, tying desks together. It was always something.

You held up a mystery book for him, "it's kinda of a young adult book, but it's really good. It's a part of a trilogy." You added, handing it over. "Thank you." He said, following you to the register.

"Hey, if you're free, do you wanna catch up this weekend?" He inquired. "Sure, I'd love to." You smiled. It's not like you had any other plans. You weren't upset that you didn't have anything else going on. It just got boring sometimes.

"Okay, call me when your shift ends." He said, writing his number out on a slip of paper. "I will."

(Once again, time skip because I'm lazy)

You finished your shift on Saturday at about 6:00, and called Derek. But you had to give yourself a 15-minute pep talk first. "It's fine. He's the one who gave you his number to call him. He offered to pick you up." You muttered to yourself. Your hands shook as you brought the phone to your ear.

"Hello?" He spoke. "Derek?" You asked, slightly more nervous. What if he gave you a wrong number. "Yes." He said. "It's me, (Y/n)." You said, finally calming down. "Oh hey, is your shift done?" He asked, sounding happier. "Yeah, are we still gonna catch up, or are you busy?" You asked again. He made the original plans on Monday, so it was possible that he had something else planned.

"Yep, I'll be there soon."

You took the small brush out of your bag and brushed it through your hair, smoothing it down. You forgot to unlock the doors for him, so you heard him lightly tap the glass. You shut the lights off and walked out the door, locking it behind you. "Hey." You said. It was colder than you originally thought. You rubbed your arms, trying to warm up.

"Here." Derek offered, handing you his leather jacket. "Thanks."

"So where are you planning on taking me?" You joked. "It's just a little hike in the woods. The view is beautiful." He replied. "As long as you don't murder me." You laughed. He smiled at you lightly.

"So what brings you back to Beacon Hills?" You questioned. "It's um, a long story." He stammered. You knew about the fire, what happened to Paige, and that he was a werewolf. But you didn't know if he knew that you knew that he was a werewolf. You could tell that he was one because you also were one. This town is a crazy place.

"So, do you have a boyfriend? Or anyone like that?" He asked vaguely. "No, not recently." You sighed. It's not like you were sad about not having a boyfriend. It just got lonely sometimes. "What about you?" You asked him. "Not in a while."

He grasped your hand in his as you almost fell. "Thanks." You smiled. His hand was surprisingly soft and very warm. He held your hand for a second longer. You might have been seeing things, but you could've sworn that his eyes flickered down to your lips.

"Well, here we are." He said finally, opening his arms to the view. It overlooked the town. The lights glittered in the dark. "It's so pretty." You sighed happily. But it was pretty windy up here, though. A big gust of wind pushed you into his side. "Sorry." You murmured. "No, you're okay, sit." He asked, sitting down.

You sat down next to him, your knee brushing against his. "I know that this might sound out of the blue," he started. "But I really do like you, (Y/n)."

"I like you too, Derek." You admitted, looking over at him. His eyes were already on yours. "You don't have to say that just because I did." He said. "I'm not, I've liked you since, like, high school." You chuckled at the last part. You felt his hand cover yours. "Can we go on another date before we kiss or anything?" You asked.

"I'd wait forever for you (Y/n)."

Well, there you go! Thanks so much for reading! 1287 words!

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