Stiles the matchmaker~Scott Mccall

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"Good morning (Y/n)! Here, let me carry your books." Scott said, taking your books from you. "Oh, well, thank you, Scott." You replied. He would always do stuff like this. Carry your books, give you any food if you didn't have any, help you with homework. He was always doing something for you.

"So, are we still studying at my house after school?" Scott questioned hopefully. "Yeah, sure," you answered, walking into your next class.

You wondered if Scott liked you. I mean, you liked him, obviously. But the real question was, did he like you. He sure acted like he did. But you weren't quite sure. You would have to ask Stiles. And since you were a part of Scott's pack, you would have no problem locating Stiles.

As class ended and you had a free period, you went to find Stiles. You walked around the school, making your way to the lacrosse field, finding him sitting on the bleachers. "Hey, Stiles," you shouted, jogging up to him. "Hey, what do you need (Y/n)?" Stiles said. "So this might sound really really strange, but do you know if Scott likes anyone?" You asked nervously. Stiles looked at you, trying to hide his shock.

"Well, what do you mean be like, he likes tons of people, he likes me, Liam, Malia, what do you mean?" He questioned. He knew something, and he wouldn't tell you. "I mean in the way as more than a friend," you stammered, scratching the back of your neck nervously. Stiles raised his eyebrows, eyes wide. He quickly turned his expression to a more neutral face. "Uh w-why are you asking exactly?" He inquired, wanting more details.

"Well, I heard someone might like him, and she wanted me to ask you if you knew anything." You lied. Luckily, Stiles didn't pick up that it was a lie. "Scott doesn't like anyone at the moment, and trust me, I would know. But he has shown some hinting that he likes someone." Stiles finished. You nodded your head, thanked him, and walked away.

The day went on slowly. Classes were boring as usual. You were excited to go to Scott's after school. The last bell finally rang, and as you quickly walked out of the classroom, Scott was standing outside the door. "Hey!" He exclaimed. "Scott, what are you doing here?" You questioned. "Well, I was going to walk you to your locker and then walk you to my house to make sure you got there safe." He stated.

"Okay then," you agreed, letting Scott take the books out of your arms. He took you to your locker, let you put the books in. "Can we stop by my locker, I got you something." He requested. You nodded your head, following him.

He opened his locker, taking out a small box. He handed it to you with a smile. You opened it, looking at the object inside the box. It had a bracelet in it. It looked homemade. It had black beads with silver and greed ones in-between them.

"Scott," you trailed off. "Do you like it? If you don't, I can get you something else." He started. You loved homemade gifts. It showed that someone actually cared and put the time and thought into making something. You gave him a hug, burying your face in his chest. "I love it, thank you." You answered. "You're welcome." He said, glancing down at your lips briefly.

He walked you to his house, stealing glances at you every now and then. His hand brushed yours. Blush crept onto your face.

He let you in, holding the door open for you. "Such a gentleman," you joked. He laughed in return. You followed him up to his room. You both set down your bags by his door.

"SooOoOoOoO." You teased. Scott gave you a confused look. "Who's this girl that you like!" You exclaimed. Sure, you were sad that it might not be you, but you never know. "Who told you!" Scott insisted.

"I have my ways," you responded. "I wanted to tell you." Scott said sadly. "Well, I still don't know who the lucky girl is, so you can still tell me." You prodded. Scott looked up. "So you don't know?" He questioned.

"N-no, I don't," you said. Scott got a text on his phone. That just happened to be facing you. Your eyes accidentally read the message.

Stiles: Did you tell (Y/n) that you like her yet!

Scott quickly grabbed his phone. You averted your eyes, feeling guilty about how you just read a message that you weren't supposed to see. "Sorry about that." Scott murmured.

You weighed your options. You could act like that never happened. Or you could act on it. 'Oh, what the hell' you thought to yourself. You pulled Scott up from where he was sitting and pressed your lips to his.

He took a sharp intake of breath, shocked at the action. He quickly kissed you back, putting his hand on your neck, deepening the kiss.

He slowly pulled away. "I've wanted to do that since the minute I layed eyes on you." He said breathlessly. "So have i," you agreed.

You both walked into school the next day, holding hands. Stiles was standing by Malia and looked over at Scott and smiled. "Thanks, buddy." Scott murmured, walking past him.

Well, there you go! I know I haven't done a Scott one yet, so I apologize, lol. Thanks for reading!

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