Bookworm~Stiles Stilinski

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Bookworm. That's what everyone called you. You didn't mind it. They were right. You could finish a 500-page book in a day if you pleased.

Then their was your boyfriend, Stiles Stilinski. He read, but it was simple comic books or old books on the Supernatural. And it was nice because he kept you from spending your entire life's savings on books.

Most of the time, that is.

"Stiles, can you give me a ride to the bookstore?" You begged. "No (Y/n), we were just there." Stiles finished. "But I can't happily finish my book without the next one in the series," you whined, crawling on top of him. He stroked a hand through your hair.

"Okay, alright, fine." He agreed. "Yay!" You cheered, running to the front door, bouncing on your heels waiting for Stiles.

He drove you to the bookstore, opening the front doors for you. The fresh smell of books hit you right in the face. "They need to make perfume that smells like this." You sighed wistfully. Stiles just nodded his head, walking over to the comic books.

You made your way over to the young adult/new adults section and began your search.

About 2 hours went by when Stiles started getting bored. "(Y/nnnnnnnnn)," he whined. He looked at the whole stack of books in your arms. "Yes, that's me." You said sarcastically, taking another book off the shelf. "When can we go homeeeeeeee we've been here for hourssssssss." He pouted.

You needed the time to pick out books, do a few wrap around's, pick out more books, go to a new aisle, pick out more books, and then do another wrap around.

"One more wrap around." You stated. Stiles sighed. He would do anything to make sure his girlfriend was happy. "Fine," he replied, sitting down on the ground.

That was a complete lie. You were there for another hour.

"Okay (Y/n), we need to go home, I'm hungry." He stated. You sighed, looking at the books once more. "Okay," you whined.

"I have no idea how you could possibly spend 250 dollars on books. You shrugged your shoulders. You regretted absolutely nothing. It was all worth it in the end.

Stiles helped you carry your books into the house and into your room. "You barely have any shelf room left." He joked. "I'll put more up." You replied.

You could fit about three quarters of the books that you got back on your shelf. By that time, it was night. Stiles was staying the night that night.

"Is my reading light bothering you?" You asked. Stiles, his head on your shoulder, his arm draped across your abdomen, shook his head, burrowing his face deeper into your neck.

As the hours of the night passed, you kept reading. In fact, you were almost done with the book that you started earlier that night. "(Y/n) what are you still doing up?" Stiles questioned groggily. (A/n) Yes, that's a word now)

"I only have 30 pages left." You said. Stiles turned over to look at the clock. "What! It's two o'clock in the morning!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Your point being?" You questioned, turning the page. "Y'know what, stay up as long as you please." Stiles finished, going back to sleep.

You finished your book a couple of minutes later. You rolled over, spooning him. He nuzzled himself into your arms. And you fell asleep immediately.

You awoke the next morning at about 10:45.

You dragged yourself out of bed, following the smell of coffee. (Or whatever else wakes you up)

"And what are we not going to do tonight?" Stiles asked smugly. You lightly glared at him. "I regret nothing." You laughed.

Well, there you go! Thanks for reading! I personally can relate to this, lol.

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