Meet The Parents~Brett Talbot

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(Y/l/n) your last name
(Y/m/n) your mom's name
(Y/d/n) your dad's name

"What if they don't like me?" Brett asked, panicking. "You've been my friend for a couple of years, so being my boyfriend won't be much different." You said, trying to calm him down. "What if they don't like me now?" he said. You reached over, resting your hand on his leg. "You'll be fine," you said finally.

He made the turn into your driveway and then rested his head on the steering wheel. "You'll be fine. It'll be like nothing has changed," you reassured, rubbing his back. "Your dad will probably think otherwise," he said, grasping your hand, kissing your knuckles.

You walked in the front door, Brett's hand in yours. "Hey mom," you said, greeting her in the living room. "Hi sweetie," he said, getting up and hugging you. "So you're her new boyfriend," she said, looking at Brett. "Her oldest friend and newest boyfriend," he said, chuckling nervously. "Well, welcome to the family again," She said, hugging Brett. "He's awfully tall," She whispered to you, walking into the kitchen.  "Don't I know it?" You laughed in return.

You and Brett followed your mom into the kitchen to see your dad already sitting at the table. "Hello, Mr. (Y/l/n)," Brett said nervously, sticking his hand out to shake his hand. Your dad scowled at him. "Dad, behave," you hissed as him.

As dinner was on the table, your dad was basically interviewing Brett even though they basically already knew each other. Not good, but good enough to know each other's name. "So Brett, do you do any sports?" Your dad asked, glaring at him. "Yes sir, I play lacrosse," he said nervously, glancing at you every few seconds. "He's also team captain," you added, grabbing Brett's hand. "So? I was team captain of the football team when I was his age, " your dad grunted. "(Y/d/n)" your mom hissed. "I think that's wonderful, Brett," your mom said.

"Dinner was lovely Ms (Y/l/n), thank you," Brett said, helping her clean up the kitchen. "You're welcome, Brett. we're happy to have you over," your mom beamed, hugging him.

You walked out to the living room where your dad was, "What is your problem?" You begged. "He doesn't deserve you," your dad snapped in return. "Well lucky him, I don't deserve him either," you fumed, glaring at him in return. "And what is your problem? You didn't have a problem with him before?" You demanded. "You're my daughter, I don't like you having a boyfriend," he said in return. "And? You don't have to treat him like that, " you explained, thinking that you were wearing him down.

"And I don't need your blessing to date someone," you said finally, walking back to Brett in the kitchen. "Y/n, keep this one. He's a sweetheart," your mom exclaimed. "Well, dad thinks otherwise," you mumbled. Brett walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you. "What does your dad think?" Brett questioned nervously.

"It's okay Brett, he doesn't mean anything," your mom said, patting him on the arm. "Would you like to stay for a movie?" Your mom asked, looking at you and Brett. "Sure," you said, glancing up at Brett. "Okay," he agreed, following you into the living room.

You took place next to Brett, you in his chest, his arm around you, his other hand, holding yours. Your dad scowled at him. You rolled your eyes in return.

"Are you two spending the night, or is Brett going back home?" Your mom questioned. "If it's okay with you, I would love to stay here," Brett said in return. "Okay, you two go up to (Y/n's) room, with the door open," your dad barked. "Your mom and I need to talk," he muttered.

"I'm so sorry about him," you said, wrapping your arms around him. "It's okay, I understand where he's coming from," he said, sitting you down on your bed. "It doesn't mean it's okay," you pouted, laying down next to him. "I know," he murmured, pulling you closer to him.

You heard a knock at your bedroom door and picked your head up to see your dad in the doorway. "Dad," you gasped, quickly sitting up, Brett sitting up too. "Your mother wants me to apologize," he muttered. "I'm not happy about it, so don't get ahead of yourself," he said, jamming his finger in Brett's direction. "You make my daughter happy, so I'll allow you to come here, and don't get to cocky Brian," your dad said, leaving the room. "My name's Brett," he laughed.

That's it! Thanks for reading!

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