Sunshine Boy~Isaac Lahey

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You were a nice person. You just had a rough exterior. But that might have been from living with derek for most of your life. You and him weren't related, but you've lived with him since before the Hale fire.

You were dressed in the usual black jeans, a tighter shirt, a black leather jacket with roses on the back and black boots. Some random kid glared at you, so you glowed your eyes at him. He quickly looked away, scurrying to his next class. You walked into your next class, taking a seat next to Isaac. It's honestly funny how he's basically a walking ray of sunshine and you're somewhat an opposite. And you had the biggest crush on him.

And he was a part of Derek's pack, like you. (Good morning (Y/n)!" Isaac beamed. "Morning." You replied, taking out your books. "Hey, so I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find a jacket like yours without the design on the back." He whispered while the teacher took attendance.

"Sure, does after school today work?" You agreed quietly. Was he asking you on a date? And Isaac lahey, in a leather jacket? Damn that could be a good combination.

(Time skip because idk what regular school is like, lol)

"Lydia!" You said, jogging up to her. "Do you know if Isaac likes me?" You rushed out. "Obviously, of course he does." She laughed. "Are you sure?" You asked again, fiddling with the small chain on your belt. "Absolutely." She reassured, picking up her books and following you to your next class.

(Time skip because I'm tired)

You met Isaac out by your car.  "Do you need to be dropped off anywhere before we go?" You asked, starting the ignition. "Nope." He answered. You saw Lydia give you a subtle thumbs up as you drove out of the parking lot.

You walked into the same store that you got your jacket in. "Damn, I feel out of place here." Isaac laughed. "Do you want to wear this?" You asked, tugging at the chain on your belt loop. He was already wearing a black shirt and dark jeans so it wouldn't look that weird. "Sure." He said quickly, putting it on.

You both went your separate ways around the store. You finally found him, and you held out three jackets. "Do you wanna try these on?" You asked him. He nodded his head in response. "You look hot in that one." You stated. You watched a blush creep over his face. "Thanks." He chuckled.

He had his jacket in a bag as you both walked out of the store. Then, an old lady walked up to you both. "You two remind me of my husband. 'Sunshine Boy and rough exterior girl,' my granddaughter would say." She laughed, patting you on the shoulder. "Aww that's so sweet! But we're not dating." You answered.

"Well, once again as my granddaughter would say, 'I ship you two.'" And with that, she walked away. "She was nice." You smiled. "I know someone who ships us too." Isaac laughed, taking a seat next to you on the fountain. "Who, Lydia?" You joked. "No, not just Lydia." He murmured, brushing his hand with yours. "Well, um, who else?" You asked nervously. "Me." He stated finally.

Oh. Well, this surprised you. "Umm, well." You stammered. "I'm sorry. If you don't feel the same way, I'll leave you alone." He said sadly. He went to stand up, "I like you too." You stated. "You don't have to say that if you don't mean it." He replied, shaking his head. "I'm being completely honest, I like you too." You recited. He slowly walked back to you, cupping a hand around your neck, "Can I?" He asked nervously, glancing at your lips. "Yes." You answered, barely above a whisper. He gently pressed his lips to yours. You placed a hand on his hip.

"Woo!" You heard someone shout. You pulled away, seeing the old lady with whom you assumed to be her granddaughter. "What is that called again, sweetheart?" You heard her ask. But Isaac already had his lips back on yours, so you weren't even listening to what was going on there.

You both started walking out of the mall hand in hand when you saw the old lady again. "Thanks, bestie!" You shouted at her. She smiled and waved her hand at you both.

Well, there you go! Thanks for reading! I appreciate it! Sorry that this was kinda short.

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