I Won't Leave~Derek Hale

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You always had problems with talking about your past. You didn't want people to worry or be concerned. And you didn't know how to express said emotions. Which led to broken relationships.

But the one person who really stuck around no matter what was your boyfriend Derek.

He didn't exactly know what happened. You were like him in a lot of ways. You kept to yourself, but you both cared deeply about others.

But you also would feel bad whenever on the rare occasion when you would talk about your childhood. Because you knew what Derek went through. You knew what Scott goes through. You know what Stiles, Allison, and Lydia all go through. But you also know what you went through. But you always felt as though your problems didn't matter.

But when the rare occasion, when you would let your walls down, you'd get stabbed in the back. You let people in that you really cared about, and they'd just leave you. Time and time again.

So that led you to not get to attached to anyone. Even Derek some of the time.

And every so often, you would stand in the wrong place or be in someone's way, and they'd get mad at you. And you didn't want to make anyone upset.

You were shopping with derek. He went to grab a bag of chips, and you swiftly backed out of the way. Almost like a scared deer. "You're okay. You didn't have to move." Derek said calmly. You nodded your head.

He could sense you anxiousness. He noticed you were picking at your fingertips. Then he took your hand in his. "You shouldn't do that." He stated. "Sorry." You murmured.

More and more people crowded into the store. People were everywhere. All around you. The air got thick. You started breathing slowly and deeper. "Are you okay?" Derek questioned. He sounded far away. "I'm fine." You muttered, trying to get a grip on your emotions.

He gently took your arm, leaving the cart in the middle of the aisle. "I'll take you home it's okay." He said soothingly. "No, we're almost done it's okay. I'm fine, please." You stammered. You didn't want to cause him an inconvenience.

"I care about you more." He answered. "Sorry." You murmured. It felt like everyone was looking at you. Eyes glued to you. You clutched his hand tighter. Everything felt like it was spinning endless.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You repeated to him. You felt like you were causing a huge inconvenience and a scene for him.

Finally, you reached the doors. They opened, fresh air consuming you. Your hands started shaking, and your breathing was fast and uneven.

He led you to his car. He leaned you against it. "It's okay, don't worry, you'll be okay." He promised, running a soothing hand through your hair. "I'm sorry." You finally said. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. Let's go home." He said calmly.

He opened your door and closed it once you got in. He started driving and saw your leg was bouncing. He rested his hand on your leg, rubbing soothing circles.

You both walked into the loft. You were still embarrassed of the earlier events. You decided to go up to the roof to get some fresh air.

"Why am I like this?" You muttered to yourself. You didn't realize it, but tears had started streaming down your face. "What's wrong with me?" You asked. Little did you know that Derek was standing behind you.

"Nothing is wrong with you." He stated, taking a seat next to you. You gasped at his quietness. You moved a bit farther away from him. "Do you want to talk about it?" He questioned.

You shook your head no. You didn't want to lose him either. "Okay, that's okay. But if the day comes and you do want to talk, I'll be here. I won't leave you. No matter what." He vowed.

"I'll give you some space for now." He said. You heard his footsteps getting farther away.

(Derek pov)
I knew how she could get. It didn't bother me. Well, it did bother me. I swear to any god out there that if I see whoever did this to her. I would make them pay. I love her. Regardless of how she could get. But it pains me that I don't know how to help her. But I don't want to push her to tell me anything if she's not ready. But I love her regardless of her past. She's the light of my life.

(Normal pov)
You wanted to tell Derek. But you didn't want him to leave you. Or coddle you. Or thing that you couldn't take care of yourself. You weren't going to tell him anything. Not yet, at least.

You walked down the stairs. Seeing him sitting on his bed. His eyes were closed, so you thought he was sleeping. So you started walking up the stairs. "I'm awake." He said. "Sorry." You muttered, walking back down. You've never been held by him. Only when you were having a panic attack.

You hesitantly walked over to him. You lay down next to him, closer than you usually would. "Do you want to be held?" He asked. The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable in any way. You slowly nodded your head, yes.

He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, the other resting on your waist. "Is this okay?" He questioned. "Yes." You murmured into his chest. It was nice. You didn't know why your eyes were watering. You guessed that it was just nice being loved. Loved without having to be bribed for it.

You didn't want to fall asleep. You wanted to enjoy this. Even if it was for five minutes. But you did. The calmness that radiated off him. You did end up falling asleep. You weren't ready to talk about your past yet. Bit perhaps someday you would.

Well, there you go! My family member is feeling better, but I'm still helping them. I wrote this at 12 at night so I'm sorry if there's any spelling mistakes. Word count: 1036

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