Active lazy day~Isaac Lahey

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☆Slight spice??☆

You woke up to see your boyfriend Isaac still asleep on your chest. The same exact spot that he was in when he fell asleep the night before. The light coming in through the window reflected perfectly on his blond curls. You admired him for a bit longer when he started to stir. He moved his head up to look at you. A smile crept onto his face, "you look really pretty in the morning," he said, his voice still gravelly. "Thank you," you said, slightly blushing.

He rolled over, engulfing you in his arms. You ran your hands through his blond curls, the muscles in his face softening. He peered down at you, leaning down and pecking your lips softly. "Want to make breakfast?" You said, already crawling out of bed, not waiting for his response.

You walked down to the kitchen, opening the fridge to find something to make, when Isaac came up behind you, his bare front, up against your back. "Aren't you cold?" You questioned, considering the fact that it was late winter. "I'm a werewolf, I don't get cold easily," he replied, kissing you on the head.

Isaac started to make waffle batter. As he was doing that, you got the waffle iron out. As soon as it heated up, Isaac dumped the mix into the iron. You leaned against the counter facing him. He moved closer to you, resting his hands on your hips. He leaned down, pressing his lips on yours. Your hands went to his waist, pulling him closer. He picked you up, resting you on the countertop. He leaned into you more, deepening the kiss. Your hands softly trailed up his spine, tangling in his soft curls. His hand moved down to your leg, moving to your inner thigh. You moaned into his mouth. Your hand moved down to the waistband of his sweatpants. You moved your hand down his pants, earning a moan from him. He started to take off your shirt when the fire alarm went off.

You jumped down off the counter, running to the fire alarm, taking the battery out. You went back to the kitchen opening the waffle iron to see what would've been a nice waffle, but it was now burnt to a crisp. You grabbed two forks, carefully taking the burnt waffle out, and you walked to the trash to throw it out. Isaac was already there, opening the can. "Thank you," you said, disposing of the burnt waffle, "You're welcome," he replied, walking past you to put more batter in the iron. "We can't burn it this time," he joked, "no kidding," you replied.

The waffles were finally done. You both sat down to eat, "what do you want to do today?" he asked, finishing his breakfast. "Well, I was thinking we could just do nothing. Or continue where we left off, " you said, putting the dishes in the sink. He came up behind you, kissing your neck, "I like the second option better," he said slyly. "Okay, but after breakfast has settled, I'm stuffed." You agreed.

You took a shower, got dressed for the day, and headed back into the living room. "You didn't even invite me," Isaac pouted. "Next time," you joked.

As the day went on, nothing else really happened. You both just enjoyed each other's company. He still hadn't changed his clothes throughout the day, leaving him in just his sweatpants. You thought of earlier that day and walked over to him.

You sat down on top of him, straddling his hips, and you took the book out of his hands. You started sliding his hands up and down your body, and he smirked, knowing what was going on. He firmly put his hands on your hips, moving you closer to him. You started kissing his jaw, moving down to his neck, lingering there for a while. He leaned his head back, exposing more to you. He slid his hands down to your legs, rubbing your upper inner thigh. You moaned into his neck. He picked you up and moved you to your room.

He leaned you back onto your bed, him on top of you. He moved his torso in between your legs. He took your shirt off, kissing down your neck, onto your chest. He started sucking your breast, you whined. His other hand trailed down your waist, resting his hand on your hip. He started rubbing patterns.

Your center got warm, his torso stopping you from closing your legs, his mouth moved up your neck to your mouth, "what do you need?" he whispered. You couldn't even think straight with the things that he was doing to you. "Isaac," you moaned, and you felt him harden against you. He moaned into your mouth. You snuck your hand down his pants.

As soon as you started taking his pants off, your brother Scott came home. You knew that he probably heard the rapid heartbeats coming from upstairs. You were about to tell Isaac, but before you could, Scott came running into your room. "Isaac, really!" He fumed. "Hey Scott," he said nervously. "Get out," you told Scott, getting up, pushing him out of your room, and locking the door behind you.

There you go! Thanks for reading, I appreciate it!

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