Thanksgiving~Liam Dunbar

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☆Slight swearing☆
(Y/l/n) your last name
(Y/m/n) your mom's name
(C/n) cousins name

"Well, welcome to my nightmare," you sighed. Today was Thanksgiving. And your family wanted to meet your new boyfriend, Liam. And his parents were okay with him spending the holiday with you.

Thanksgiving with your family was always hectic. And that's the nice way to put it. "So, is there anything I shouldn't talk about?" He asked. "Well, for starters, don't ask my uncle about outer space or construction or the universe. You know not to get my dad all riled up on football. And stay as far away from my cousins as possible, your dead meat if they catch you, " you laughed. (A/n For any of you who have cousins that you like and they like you, keep it that way, I despise my cousins)

"Noted," he said finally.

You both walked through the door to see absolute chaos. The TV was blaring, people were talking over it, and the smoke alarm was going off. "This should be fun," you muttered to yourself.

You and Liam stood in the entryway, waiting for someone to notice. And of course, that was your grandmother, the one with hearing loss who's too vain to get hearing aids. "(Y/n), my dear, you have some holes in your pants," She said loudly. Ahh, yes, she was exceptionally old fashion. "Yes, I know, grandma," you shouted, trying to get her to hear you. "Oh," she said, walking away.

"That was fun," Liam joked. "That's not even the half of it." You walked into the kitchen to see your mom with her hand up the turkeys ass. "Mom, the organs aren't in there. They got taken out at the store," he chuckled. "I was just checking," She replied, now washing her hands.

"Who's this?" your uncle said, gesturing to Liam. "This is my boyfriend, Liam," you said as Liam snaked his hand around your waist. He usually did this when he got nervous. "Hello sir," Liam said shakily, sticking his hand out.

Your uncle shook his hand, scowling at him. "Oh, calm yourself," you snapped at him. You and your uncle had the kind of relationship where you would argue with each other as a joke. Your uncle laughed and walked away, patting Liam on the head.

"(Y/n) I need some help in here," your mom called. "Coming," you replied loudly so she could hear you. "Go ahead, win my family over," you joked, pushing Liam into the living room. He looked back at you, a scared look in his eyes. You pulled him back and lightly kissed him. And, of course, this was the moment when everyone was looking at him. "Hello everyone," he laughed shakily.

"(Y/n) put the turky in the oven," your mom said. You went to the turky to put it in when your grandma stopped you. "You have to season it first," she shouted. "Okay," you said loudly, looking around the kitchen. "Hey (Y/n), come here, it's really cool!" Your dad exclaimed. "Why isn't the turky in the oven yet?" Your mom demanded. Why was everything so loud? You questioned yourself. "You really should wear nice pants (Y/n)," your grandma prodded. You threw the turky in the oven and quickly walked out of the kitchen.

Liam saw you walking outside, so he followed you out, taking a seat next to you. "How's it going?" He asked, resting his hand on your leg. "Oh y'know, family is stressful sometimes," you muttered, leaning your head on his shoulder. "How's it going for you?" you joked, trying to lighten the mood. "It's going better than I expected," he laughed.

After a while, you both walked back in to see that your cousins had arrived. "Oh great," you muttered. Liam leaned against the wall, pulling you to his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, almost hugging you from behind. He knew that this usually helped you relax.

You and Liam stayed like that until it was time to eat. Which wasn't long, but it felt like an eternity.

You all say Grace, (A/n or not, my family just does this on holidays, so if you don't just leave that part out, lol). And finally, get to eat, then go home with Liam. "Dinner is amazing, Ms (Y/n/n), thank you," Liam said. "Well, thank you, dear," your mom replied. "And please, call me (Y/m/n)." She said. Liam smiled and nodded in return.

As dinner finally finished, you helped as much as your mom would let you with the dishes. You walked into the living room to see Liam talking to your grandma. "You are just a doll," your grandma said, squeezing his cheeks. Your grandma walked away to talk to your dad, and Liam turned around to face you. He walked over to you, kissing you. You pulled him closer to you, never breaking the kiss.

Then your cousin walked in. "Disgusting" (C/n) said. You pulled away, glaring at him. "How'd you even get a boyfriend?" he said smugly. "What, are you jealous?" you spat. He rolled his eyes, walking away. "He seems like a real joy," Liam muttered.

As the evening progressed, more people left. Leaving your grandparents, you and Liam, and your parents. "Well, I think we're gonna head out," you said. "Okay, sounds good, be safe," your mom said, hugging you. Your dad shook Liam's hand. "Thank you for having me, Mr and Ms (Y/l/n)." Liam beamed. "Anytime," your mom said joyfully.

You both walked out, relaxing by the second. "Back to your house?" You asked him. "Of course," he replied, opening the door for you.

"And what activities will we be doing tonight?" You questioned slyly. "Just you wait and find out,"

There you go! Idk if that was any good or not. But thanks for reading!!!

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