Adventure~Liam Dunbar

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(Somewhat based off of a trip that my family and I went on. You can't stop me)

You and Liam were on a day trip of sorts. It was just a little trail by the ocean. You read that there was an abandoned base kinda thing right on the coast line. The pictures that people took of it was amazing. And it was open to the public.

"How much farther?" Liam groaned dramatically. "Liam, we're 7 feet away from the car. It's a 50-foot walk." You stated. He glanced at the car, then the trail then sighed. "Fine." He murmured with a slight smile. He grasped your hand and walked up the trail with you.

"Whoa." You whispered as you took sight of the abandoned base. The green stone chipping away with debris on  chunks on the ground. You could hear the sounds of the waves from where you were standing. It was eerie. "Yeah, so this has been fun, but I'm not feeling this haunted creepy building, so I'll be at the car." Liam stammered.

"Suit yourself." You shrugged, walking towards the building. Then you heard Liam sigh and then his footsteps following you up the little hill.

"This is so cool!" You exclaimed, looking inside the doorways at all of the graffiti. You walked up the stone stairs up to where you could see the ocean. You saw another wooden staircase and dashed over to it to get a better view.

The wind was so strong off of the water. You stumbled backward into Liam, "You fell for me again." He joked, standing you up on your feet. "No. You fell first, and you took me down with you." You chuckled.

You could see the ocean as far as the eye could see. There were a few boats off into the distance. "Yeah, I guess this is pretty cool." Liam admitted, grabbing your hand in his. You wanted to explore more of the building, so you led Liam back down the stairs to the ground level. There was a busted out metal grate that led into the building. You didn't have werewolf abilities to see into it, but you wanted to explore.

You let go of Liam's hand and started walking to the opening. "What do you think you're doing!" Liam gasped as you stepped over the concrete.

"I wanna explore." You said simply. "Yeah, I don't feel like being haunted, so let's go look at the rest of the stuff." He begged. "Can we just look around?" You pouted. "For an adventure?" You asked again.

You could see him thinking it out. "We can take 2 steps inside. That's it." He agreed reluctantly. You bounded inside the building. The graffiti was beautiful. Some of it was, at least. "Okay, you took your 2 steps. Let's go." He said once again. "Fine." You pouted, following him out the busted out concrete gap.

You both explored the rest of the building. You eventually got cold because of the ocean breeze. Liam shrugged off his jacket and put it around you. He laced his hands with yours once again and walked with you back to the car.

He started driving back down the hill. Then you saw another car going in the opposite direction. "I think he had a body hanging out of his window." You observed. You didn't look close enough, so it could've just been a jacket. "Well damn." Liam murmured, continuing to drive. That was a problem, but not for you two.

You both passed the beaten up sign that marked that you were in Beacon Hills again. "Well, Scott and Stiles prevented the town from going up in flames. That's good." Liam chuckled. You laughed at his joke. They did have the habit of letting everything go to shit sometimes. They wouldn't have gotten anywhere without Derek. He was one of your best friends so you appreciated the fact that he cared about your other friends.

Liam pulled into your driveway. Stiles wasn't home, so Liam could walk you inside and stay for a while without Stiles threatening him.

You opened the door for him, and he made a beeline to the pantry. He came back out with a cereal box. "Really." You sighed as he stuck his entire hand in the box. "You didn't pack any snacks." He said simply in between bites. You shook your head and smiled at him. You walked over to him and kissed him briefly.

"That's it?" He pouted, putting the box down and walking back over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought his lips to yours. Your hands tangled in his hair. He sighed into your mouth, and then the next thing you knew, Stiles and Scott walked in.

"Hey!" Stiles shouted, pointing a finger at Liam and you. "Oh, calm down, Stiles." You muttered. "You. Out." He told Liam, pointing to the door. He turned around and pecked your lips once more, then walked out of the house.

"Really, Stiles!" You shouted, stomping up the stairs. You heard Liam's car drive away as you sat down on your bed.

"You're a persistent one, aren't you." You joked, turning to see Liam crawling in through your window.

"Always an adventure."

Well, there you go! Thanks for reading! Sorry that this was kinda short.

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