It started with a rock~Liam Dunbar

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You were on your way to school when you saw a really pretty rock on the sidewalk. You picked it up and examined it. It was a deep red with little grayish blue specks. It was also faintly heart-shaped. "I'm going it give this to Liam," you murmured to yourself, continuing your walk to school.

You walked onto campus and to your locker to see that Liam was already standing there. "Hey Y/n" he said, walking over to hug you. You two were best friends, but you had feelings for him, but you weren't sure if he returned them. You were good-looking but not the prettiest girl in school, but good looking nonetheless. "Hey Liam," you replied, returning the hug. You knew he was a werewolf, so he probably heard your heartbeat strike when he hugged you.

You put your stuff in your locker, and you checked the time, realizing that you got to school really early. "Oh Liam, that reminds me," you said, jamming your hand in your pocket to dig out the rock. "I found this, and I thought of you," you said, holding your hand out with the rock. He gently took it from your hand, his hand holding your hand for a second longer than needed. "Aw, well, thank you Y/n I love it," he said, pulling you into a hug. "I'm glad," you said, relaxing in his arms. You both stayed like that for a while.

"I'll see you at lunch?" He asked as the bell rang. "Sure," you said, walking in the other direction.

(Liam pov)
"Scott!" I yelled, running up to him. "Liam, what did you do?" he asked, looking behind me. "What makes you think I did something?" I said, slightly confused. "Never mind that, what's going on?" he asked me. "Well Y/n gave me a rock today and she only does that if she really likes someone, and it was faintly heart shaped and he hugged me for longer than a regular friend would" I said all in one breath. "So what do you want me to do about it?" He questioned. "Do you think she likes me?" I asked. I obviously liked her, I mean, she was absolutely beautiful. "Yeah, she does. Everyone knows, it's obvious, and you like her too," he finished. "Okay, so what you're saying is that I should confess my undying love for her after school," I said, thinking of what I could do. "If that's what you want to do, then go right ahead," he agreed. "Great!" I exclaimed, running back to school.

(Normal pov)
After a few hours of zoning out, it was finally lunchtime. As you walked down the halls, many clouds passed over the sun. "Probably going to rain," you thought to yourself. You walked into the cafeteria and sat down with Liam and his other friends. You saw Scott nudge Liam as you sat down next to him. "Hey guys," you said, sitting down. "So Y/n are you coming to the lacrosse game tonight?" Stiles asked, glancing at Liam. "I'm not sure it might rain, so I'll see," you said, confused about why everyone was acting so weird. "Well, it's the playoffs, so you have to come," Liam replied quickly. "Well, if it means that much, I'll come," you said finally.

As the day went on, the more you thought about Liam. Why was he acting so weird? Why was he so insist that I come to the game tonight? Soon enough, the school day was done, and the game started in a few hours.

(Liam pov)
"Scott, what do I do?" I asked. I was so panicky and stressed. What am I supposed to do? How do I tell a perfect girl that I love her in a perfect way. "I don't know! You love her, so just make it personal. y'know have her go to your house after the game, or tell her during the game, or as soon as the game is over, " he finished. "Okay, umm, I'll tell her when we win," I said confidentiality. I just hope that we win.

(Normal pov)
I walked over to the bleachers, shivering in the cold wind. It was probably going to rain, and you only had on a thin jacket. "Just perfect," you thought to yourself. You took a seat in the front row when Liam came up to you, holding his sweatshirt out to you. "Here, take it," he insisted. You took it from his hands, put it on, and took a deep breath. "Thank you," you replied, feeling warmer. "You should keep it. It looks good on you," he said, turning away to go back to the field. Blush crept over your face.

As the game went on and the rain started to pour, you saw Liam glancing in your direction a lot more than usual. "Did he like me too?" You thought to yourself. The odds were there, so he might just like you.

Liam got the ball, 5 seconds left, he ran to the net, and he threw the ball. And he scored and won! Everyone went running onto the field, including you. He ran up to you, pulling you away from the crowd. "Y/n i have something to tell you," he said nervously. "Go ahead, you can tell me anything," you reassured, cupping his cheek in your hand. "Y/n I like you, and not just as a friend," he said, pausing. "Was this actually happening?" You thought to yourself.

"Liam," you said, looking into his soft blue eyes. "I'm not done," he said firmly.

"Y/n, you are perfect. So it was going to happen eventually. And I love you. I fell in love in the way that your eyes light up when you see me, or when you look at a pretty sunset, which isn't as beutiful as you might I just add" it's a good thing that it was raining so he wouldn't see your tears of joy. "I love the way you find beauty in everyone and everything. Except for yourself, you are so unbelievably perfect in every way. The perfect swoop of your nose, the softness of your jaw." He said, moving his thumb along your jaw.

"And most importantly, I love you for being you and not pretending to be anyone else," he finished. This astounded you. You never thought that anyone could love you. He was about to walk away, and then you grabbed his arm, pulling him back to you. You smashed your lips on his. Him immediately kisses you back. His hand moved up to hold your cheek, deepening the kiss. "Congratulations, buddy!" You heard Scott yell in the distance.

Well, there you go! Thanks for reading! Also, does anyone have any ideas for other stores????

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