Movie Date~Cora Hale

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Omg I love Cora so much. So I'm gonna write a story because I can. And to all of my fellow bisexuals/other women likers; you have amazing taste.

☆Slight Swearing☆

"Did you get popcorn?" You asked as Cora walked in. "Shit." She muttered, stopping in her tracks. "It's okay. We have other food." You laughed.

You had the biggest crush on Cora. She was just so perfect. And you wanted her to be yours. It was something about the Hale genes that drove you crazy. But Cora, there was something about her that drove you to her. And, you both had been friends since before the Hale fire.

You had candy, chips, and drinks set out for you both. And it was sprinkling, so it was perfect for a movie day. She took a seat next to you, leaning on your side. Your heart fluttered as she pressed her body against yours. You wrapped your arms around her as the movie started.

"That's the ending!" You gasped. "I can't believe it!" Cora agreed. "WE NEED TO WATCH THE SECOND ONE!" You panicked, trying to find it. Once you started the movie again, you lay back on the couch. But you weren't expecting Cora to crawl on top of you.

You were completely fine with the action. It was actually rather comforting. She lifted her head, "Is this okay?" She asked. "Yea, of course." You quickly answered. She reached over to the bag of chips and handed you some.

The movie was about an hour and a half longer than the first one, so by the time it was done, it was dark out. You didn't even realize that you were falling asleep. But it was so comfortable with her on top of you.

You didn't know what time it was when you woke up. Or how long you've been sleeping. But when your senses came back, you realized that your hand was in Cora's hair, with your other hand on the small of her back. And her face was right up against your neck. Her even breaths warmed you.

Her face was angled up to face you. So you took the opportunity to study her. While she was at peace. No other worries or stress. She looked happy. She yawned and stretched, and then she opened her eyes. "Good morning." She joked. Now that you could lift your head up, you saw that it was 1:00 in the morning. "No kidding." You laughed.

"Since it's so late, you can spend the night here." You offered her. "Yeah, I'll stay." She agreed without hesitation. You gave her some of your spare pajamas for her to wear. "So I don't exactly have a spare bedroom, so that leaves my bed." You stated. It was supposed to be really cold tonight, too, so you didn't want her to freeze in the living room.

"So we would share your bed?" She asked hopefully. "Yea, if you want to." You said. "Sure sounds good." She acknowledged. She got her pajamas on and shuffled her way in next to you. You flopped over to face her. She looked longingly into your eyes. "(Y/n), I like you. And not just as a friend." She admitted finally.

It felt like all of the air from your lungs had vanished. You've been waiting for this moment for your entire life, it felt like. "I like you too. A lot, actually." You chuckled lightly at that last part. She pulled you into her chest, slightly lowering her head to yours. You lifted your head up to fill the gap and pressed your lips to hers. A thousand fireworks exploded as she deepened the kiss, resting her hand on your cheek.

She pulled away, finally allowing you to catch your breath. "I've always wanted to do that." She murmured softly. She lowered her forehead to yours. "Why stop now."

Well, there you go! I know, this was really short, and I'm really sorry about it. I need requests or ideas, please lol.

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