Ice~Stiles Stilinski

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It was a snowy winter in Beacon Hills. The woods, snow dusted, the quietness of the snow hitting the ground. Attempting to freeze water in a glass overnight.

You and your boyfriend Stiles decided to go on a little winter walk in the woods. You put on your layers of clothes, finishing with one of Stiles's endless flannels. You walked down the stairs to find Stiles poring hot chocolate into a thermos, spilling half of it in the process. You chuckled lightly, making your way over to him. You made a new batch of hot chocolate and then successfully poured it into the thermos. "No fair," Stiles pouted. "You'll get it next time," you joked, heading for the front door ready for the adventure ahead of you.

You both made it to the woods. You inhaled the cool, crisp winter air. You turned your head to see Stiles looking in the other direction. You bent down and formed a snowball, and hucked it at Stiles. He turned his head at the exact moment you threw it, hitting him right on the face. "Stiles, are you okay?" You questioned, noticing that he fell to his knees. You walked over to him, slightly worried, when he bounded up throwing a snowball back at you.

"Oh, now it's on." You laughed, taking cover behind a tree, making a load of snowballs. You jumped out from behind the tree to see Stiles nowhere in sight. You turned around, thinking you heard a branch snap, but Stiles threw a ball at you from behind you. You launched your snowballs at him "truce" he laughed "truce" you agreed. He took your hand and walked deeper into the woods.

You both then came up on a creek. "Think I can make that jump?" You questioned, your curiosity getting the best of you. "Y/n, as much as I want to see that, I don't want you to get hypothermia," he answered. "But Stiles, it would be so fun," you whined. "Fine, if it'll make you happy, then go right ahead," he said, still slightly worried. You walked back a few steps, then took off running. You jumped, making it almost across, but instead, you landed on the frozen over creek

"See, it isn't so bad," you said, sliding around on the ice. You started to make your way back to him when the ice cracked. "Y/n walk back slowly and carefully," Stiles reassured, stepping closer to the creek bed, holding his hand out. You followed his instructions, slowly walking back to him. You grasped his hand, but as soon as you did that, the ice cracked, with your one leg falling into the ice-cold water. You quickly scrambled out of the water and into Stiles. He embraced you in a hug, his heart going a mile a minute, him wanting to get you inside.

He wrapped his arm around your waist, handing you his extra jacket. You both quickly made your way home. He quickly opened the front door. "Well, there's the hot chocolate," he muttered, looking at it, still on the counter where it was left. He quickly guided you up into the bathroom, starting a hot bath. You disposed of your old clothes and jumped into the warm water, already feeling warmer. You heard a knock at the bathroom door. "Come in," you said, covering yourself up. Stiles came walking in, with fresh made hot cocoa. He set it down on the edge of the bathtub, then took the towel that was hanging on the back of the door, "just tell me when you need this, it'll be in the dryer" he said, closing the door behind him.

You finished washing your hair, then asked Stiles to bring you the warm towel, "thank you so much," you said, wrapping the now warm towel around you. "Anytime," he replied, pecking you on the forehead. You picked out one of his shirts and your sweatpants. You walked down the stairs and saw Stiles in his pajamas, sitting on the couch. You made your way over to him, sat down next to him cuddling up in his side. He pulled a blanket over both of you and slowly fell asleep.

That's it! Thanks for reading. I appreciate it!

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