Height difference~Isaac Lahey

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《Slight spice???》

Isaac Lahey. He was somewhat rude to you. He always makes fun of your height. It was funny at first, then it just got irritating. You weren't even that short. He was just a giant.

"Hey little imp," Isaac said, walking through the door. That's what he usually called you. "I hope you hit your head on a doorframe," you mumbled, knowing that he heard you. "Ha ha ha ha, very funny," he mocked. "Where's Scott?" He questioned, looking around the living room. Scott was only about 4 inches taller than you, but Isaac doesn't make fun of him. You thought to yourself. "I don't know," you replied shortly. "He's your brother, shouldn't you know?" He inquired, crossing his arms. "Probably in his room," you finished, turning away from him.

As soon as Isaac turned to go up the stairs, Scott came running down. "Hey buddy, I'm late for work. we can talk later," he said quickly, running out the door. "Great, now I'm stuck here with you," he murmured, helping himself to the snacks in the kitchen. "I'm stuck here with you too, not exactly a walk in the park for me," you spat. "You know what, this is my room, you leave," he stated. "This is my kitchen, in my house, YOU leave," you spat in return. "Umm, no."

"What do you mean no?" you asked. "I'm not leaving, I like annoying you," he teased. Why did he hate you so much? And the worst part was, you liked him.

"What is your problem!" You demanded. He walked over to you, his arms crossed, looking down at you. "I don't have a problem," he admitted. "Then why do you hate me?" you said finally.

He walked towards you, backing you up against the counter. He swiftly picked you up. "Now that you can actually look me in my eyes, tell me if I'm lying," he said gruffly. A blush crept over your cheeks. "I do not hate you, it's actually, quite the opposite," he replied smoothly, running his hand along your cheek. "And I know for a fact that you feel the same way." He has a point. You do feel the same way about him. "And if I do feel the same way?" You asked softly, wondering what he would do.

"Well, if you did, then I would do this," he gently pressed his lips on yours. Shocked by the action, you sat there stunned for a second. He went to pull away, but you tugged on his shirt collar, pulling him back to you. This time, the kiss was more passionate and rougher than the first one.

He wrapped his hands around the small of your back, the front of his body pressed flush to yours. You hooked your legs around his as he started kissing down your neck. He switched between, kissing, lightly nibbling, and sucking.

You lifted his shirt up, him pulling away for a second to lift it over his head. He tugged at the hem of your shirt, questioning in his eyes. You put the bottom half of your shirt in his hand, encouraging him to lift it up. Instead, his claws came out, swiftly tearing it from your body.

His eyes, lingering on your breasts. He swiftly picked you up, his hand resting on your bum, and quickly carried you into his room. Luckily, Scott wasn't home. You started kissing his neck, your tongue moving with your mouth. He layed you down on his bed, him hovering over you. He nipped at your black lacy bra. He un-clasped it from behind you. He started sucking on your breasts, his breath quick and hot on your body.

His tongue circled around your nipple, "Isaac" you moaned out. You felt him harden against you. A slight growl came from him as he worked his was down your body, reaching the waistband of your pants. He tugged them off, taking his time. As he finished, you pulled him back up to your mouth, aching for more. His tongue traced your lips as you un-did his pants. His black underwear did no justice to hide his bulge.

He grinded his hips against yours, moaning in his mouth. He reached his hand down, his fingers moving through your folds. You bucked your hips against his, needing to relieve the burn inside of you.

Just as you both were about to be completely naked, Scott came running up the stairs. "ISAACWHATTHEHELLAREYOUDOING," Scott yelled. "Go back to Stiles's Scott," you begged, your core still aching.

Well, idk what that was, but thanks for reading!!! I appreciate it!

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