Bored Game~Stiles Stilinski

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☆Slight swearing☆
☆Slight arguing☆

《Can i get copyrighted for this? Eh, it'll be fine. Maybe.》

"SCOTT I ALMOST HAD A MONOPOLY HOW DARE YOU!" You exclaimed, Scott chuckling as he took Park Place. "Please, if anyone should be upset, we should be upset at Lydia for taking one of my railroads." Derek fumed, glaring at the banshee. Lydia just smiled at him.

"I thought you loved me!" Stiles exclaimed as you demanded he paid rent. You held your hand out for the money. "Can I repay you in any other way?" He pouted. You thought it over, reading his expression. "Fine. But just this once." You agreed. You both shook hands, sealing the deal. "How come he gets a break?" Liam asked. "You'll understand when you're older," you joked, patting him on the head. He just looked at you confused, then he realized and blush crept over his face.

Ahh, Monopoly, a game of riches. And y'know, ruining friendships. But hey, what are you gonna do. Steaks were high. No one has landed on Free Parking. There were probably about 2,500 dollars worth in it. And damn was it stressful.

You just needed a 7 to land on it. That's it. Just a mere 7. You rolled the dice, praying to everything and nothing. The dice flew from your hands, in almost slow motion. And it landed on 7. You threw your hands up, "YES!" You beamed. Everyone was shouting, and Scott started crying. "TAKE THAT!" You shouted, snatching your money.

Derek plastered a smile on his face. "You know that you're my best friend, right?" He bribed. "Here you go, pesent," you said, handing him one dollar. He took in reluctantly, putting it in his small pile of money. You took another dollar, holding it out to Liam, raising your eyebrows. "I DONT WANT YOUR HANDOUTS!" He laughed. Or cried. You didn't know. But hey, now you had the most money.

"Scott, I'll give you 500 dollars if you give me back Park Place." You inquired. You waved the money in front of his face, and he followed it with his eyes. "Fine," he muttered, snatching the money from you.

You then put one hotel each on Park Place and Bordwalk.

"STILES GIVE ME THE MONEY THAT YOU OWE." Derek demanded, tackling your boyfriend to the ground. "Y'know what, I'll just sit right on you until you give me my 200 dollars." Derek said primly. "Get your sourwolf ass of me, I'll give you your money." Stiles grumbled, pushing him off.

Derek had to rip the money out of Stiles's hand to get it. Scott then became completely bankrupt landing on Bordwalk. He sold all of his 3 properties and gave you all of his money, and it still wasn't enough. "You can pay me in real money!" You laughed. "Ha ha, very funny," Scott muttered.

Liam was the next to go. "I'm going home." He stated. He wasn't upset. He was just tired. After all, it was 11:30 at night. "Yeah, it is almost curfew," Lydia said. She didn't have much left either. "I still have a chance," Derek said.

Like hell he did. As soon as he said that, he landed on go to jail. "Damn it." He muttered. He put 200 in Free Parking to be just visiting. You rolled the dice, fearing nothing, then you landed on free parking. You scooped up Derek's money that he just put down. "Rude," he joked.

"I GOT CHANCE!" Derek exclaimed. He picked it up, reading it over, his smile fading. "I quit." He murmured. He showed you the card. "Take a walk on boardwalk!" Stiles forfeited a while ago, so you won.

"I WIN, I'VE FINALLY WON!" You beamed, running around the room. "Alright, I'm going home." Derek said, shrugging his jacket on. "Thanks for losing!" You teased. You and Derek were best friends, so teasing him was a daily thing. He laughed, hugging you and walking out the door behind Scott and Lydia.

"You still have to pay me back." You murmured I'm Stiles's ear, straddling his hips. Without missing a beat, he pressed his lips to yours, carrying you to your room.

Thanks for reading! I had a really weird dream like this, so I decided to write it. Well, not that last part. My dog woke me up before that. But yeah! Thanks for reading! I appreciate it!

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