First~Stiles Stilinski

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You've never had a boyfriend. You were very pretty, but you had eyes for one person only. Stiles Stilinski. You always had people asking you out for a date, but none of them were Stiles. So why bother.

(Stiles pov)
"Scott!" I yelled, running over to him. I threw myself against his locker. "What! What'd you do!" He asked. "I wasn't aware that I've done anything." I responded. "That's not the point!" I exclaimed, waving my hand in front of his face. "What's the point then." He said quickly, glancing at the clock. "I need to ask (Y/n) on a date, and I don't know how." I admitted. "Just ask her out, do whatever you want, I'm late for class." He stated quickly, walking away. Well, that sure helped.

(Normal pov)
School was finished, so you walked out onto the lacrosse field to watch Stiles and Scott practice. You sat down with Malia and Lydia. "Hey (Y/n)!" Malia said cheerfully. "Hey." You said in return.

You sat down next to them, watching Stiles trip over his own feet. You chuckled to yourself. "Got a little crush going on there?" Lydia teased. "Yes." You admitted quietly. Lydia squealed, "he totally likes you!" She beamed. Now, this was news. Part of you was excited. The other part doubted it.

"How would you know?" You prodded. "Hey, I just know these things." She responded.  "Well, that's very vague." Malia joked. "Well, we should get going, c'mon Malia." Lydia said, pulling her away.

You looked back to the field to see Stiles standing in front of you. "Oh! You scared me." You laughed. He chuckled awkwardly in return. "Can I help you?" You offered. "Umm, so, this might sound weird, or odd, or really strange or -" he started, then you cut him off. "Stiles, I already know of the supernatural, so what's this all about?" You asked.

"Well, uhh, I was wondering if you would maybe want to go out on a date with me tomorrow." He inquired, rubbing the back of his neck. This was the moment. "Of course, I'd love that!" You agreed quickly. "Cool! Great, I'll pick you up around 4?" He asked again.

"Perfect." You chimed. He gave you a thumbs up, running to the locker rooms.

"Lydia, I know you're behind the corner. You can come out now." You sighed, returning to your work. "I already have an outfit for you." She giggled, taking a seat next to you.

She met you at your house. "How did you get here before me." You joked. "We don't talk about that." He replied. Well, that was comforting. She followed you up to your room, laying clothes down on your bed.

You sat down in your chair, watching her go through your closet and her bag, laying everything out. By the time she was done, she had 5 outfits laid out.

"Take your pick." She joked dramatically. You picked out the ripped jeans with a tighter short sleeve shirt and a black and white flannel. "Amazing choice." Lydia laughed. She went home a while after that.

You were about to go to bed when your phone got a notification. Stiles: 'Can I still pick you up tomorrow?' It read. You responded: 'I wouldn't back out now.' You set your phone down and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

You slept in because it was the weekend. And who was gonna stop you. You got on your phone, looking through any notifications that you got while you slept.

You took a shower, brushed your hair, ate breakfast, brushed your teeth, and by the time you were done, it was already 2:00.

You put on the clothes and styled your hair the way you usually do. You got a text from Lydia, 'Do you need me to bring anything over for you?' It read. 'No, but thanks for asking.' You responded.

(Time skip because I'm lazy)

You heard a knock at the door, and you quickly walked down the hall to the door. "Hey Stiles!" You beamed. Then you took sight of what he brought you.

It was the most giant bouquet of flowers that you've ever seen. "I got these for you!" He exclaimed, holding them out to you. You took them, chuckling at the number of flowers that were there. "Thank you." You said, bringing him into a hug.

He helped you find a vase to put them in and led you out to his jeep. "Ladies first." He joked. "Thank you." You laughed, watching him run around the jeep, crawling into the driver seat.

He parked in a spot in front of the Beacon Hills Reserve. "Hiking, are we?" You joked. "Just a little." He stated.

The sun started vaguely setting when you finally got to where he was taking you. It had a perfect view of the town. The lights were glittering in the sun. You stumbled slightly, not paying any attention to what was in front of you.

"Whoa there." Stiles joked, he caught you. You both were almost close enough to kiss. "Thanks." You said barely above a whisper. He looked down at your lips for a second, then back up to you. "I'm just being your knight in shining armor." He joked again, leaning you back to your feet. You chuckled. But you wanted to kiss him.

You both spent about 30 minutes laughing and eating the food that he brought. "I know that this might sound, well, odd, but (Y/n), would you like to be my girlfriend?" He stammered.

"I'd love to, Stiles!" You beamed. "I've never had a boyfriend before." You admitted. You felt comfortable enough to tell him. He started choking on his food. "I'm sorry, what?" He choked out.

"But you're so beautiful and smart and just simply amazing." He stated. "I was waiting for my knight in shining armor." You laughed. He leaned in closer. "Can I?" He questioned. You nodded your head, then he leaned in, softly pressing his lips to yours. That was your first kiss.

"That was the best kiss that I've ever had." He said, pulling away. "And that was my first." You admitted. He leaned in again, cupping your cheek in his hand. "I'm glad I was your first."

Well, there you go! Thanks for reading!

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