Quiet~Derek Hale

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You were always a quiet person. How you came about to date Derek Hale, you have no idea. If you wanted to, you could have an entire conversation with a complete stranger, but you didn't want to. You were always somewhat shy.

Then, Derek, regardless of your quietness, decided to date you. He took over the role of ordering for you in restaurants and talking for you in pack meetings, and he actually wanted to. You didn't even have to ask him. He just did it. And you were very grateful for it.

You were constantly glued to his side whenever you both were out in public. You had the tendency to pick at your fingertips so Derek would always be holding your hands.

"I'll be right next to you," he said, grasping your hand in his. You both were going to a pack meeting. Yes, you've been to pack meetings before, but you did get nervous sometimes.

Derek, being a werewolf, sensing your nervousness, always knew when to comfort you. He pulled into Scott's driveway and opened the door for you. You got out, and he wrapped his arm around you, waist. He knocked twice on the door, then let himself in.

You were friends with everyone here, but then sometimes your anxiety overthinking-ness would get the best of you. Sometimes, you would think that the pack only pit up with you because you were Derek's girlfriend.

You both walked in, and everyone looked at you and smiled. You did come to pack meetings, just not every single one. You shrunk into Derek, the eyes on you getting the best of your insecurities.

"Hi," you spoke softly. Since almost everyone there was something supernatural, they all heard you. That was the nice thing. You didn't have to talk really loudly for anyone to hear you.

Everyone greeted you and cleared a spot for you and Derek to sit down.

The meeting was pretty boring. Not much was discussed, considering the fact that there weren't many threats around. So that was always nice. You did talk, but not much.

"So (Y/n), why don't you talk that much?" Liam asked. He was the newest member, so he didn't know much yet.

"Well, when I was younger, I was either ignored or talked over. i had some people tell me that they didn't care what i had to say. So I just got in the habit of not speaking that much, why let myself down again by getting ignored again and again." You retold.

Not everyone knew why you were so quiet, so this was news for some people. Liam just nodded his head. Derek wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

The silence was loud. No one knew where to go with that. "Sorry to be a downer," you mumbled. "No, don't be sorry, I brought it up." Liam said. You nodded your head in return.

As the afternoon went on, everyone slowly picked up their conversations. "Bye guys," Derek said, walking to the front door, facing them. "Bye," everyone said in union. You both got into his car and drove home. Not much conversation, though. You were comfortable talking with Derek, knowing that he'd knock someone out if they interrupted you.

He didn't care what was going on around him. He would always listen to you. No matter what. That was always nice. You both were also perfectly fine in each other's silence.

He parked the car in front of his building. Quickly got out and opened the door for you. "You don't need to always open the door for me, y'know that, right," you stated. "Well, you're my queen. You deserve to be treated like royalty." He answered, picking you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with his hair.

As he carried you up the stairs, you started putting little braids in his hair. Despite his rough exterior, he loved having his hair played with. He was actually a complete softie.

It was rather humorous.

He closed the door behind him, and you were still in his arms. He discarded his shoes, you, doing the same. He layed you down on the bed. His arms protectively around you. He swung his leg over yours, you doing the same. He rested his head on yours, your face in his neck.

The rain, pattering against the window. "I'm sorry that you were ignored when you were younger," he whispered. You always felt, somewhat, not able to talk about what happened in your childhood because what happened in Derek's. Being completely ignored and people telling you that they didn't care about what you had to say is a lot different than his entire family dying in a fire.

"Don't you dare apologize to me about being ignored when I was younger." You said firmly. "Doesn't mean I can't feel bad," he murmured. "You shouldn't. If anything, I should be apologizing about what happened to you," you muttered. He stayed quiet. "We can be sorry for each other," he said finally.

He leaned down, pressing a light kiss to your forehead. "Well, let's see just how quiet you can be." He growled, roughly kissing your lips.

Well, there you go! Thank you for reading! I honestly didn't think that I could possibly ever make it this far, so truly thank you.

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