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Hyunjin's POV :

"Here's your hot coco."

"Ah, thanks.."

He looks uncomfortable, I shouldn't ask it's awkward! Why did he listen to me? I don't know why I'm even questioning myself it's not a big deal, gosh.. Maybe the hot coco will make him feel better I know it's not going to cure him but hot drink are always good when your sick. I'm feeling more positive now Felix has calmed down, I have a sense that he feels more comfortable with us now... What a relief.

"Is the hot coco nice sweetheart?"

"Yes.. It's yummy, thank you."

"Thank Hyunjin, I didn't make it ; he did!"

Why did she tell him!? She's smiling about it too.. Whatever!


"Yeah, I did."

This is probably the first time Felix has genuinely smiled while being here, was he that grateful over something so small like a hot chocolate? I smiled to. I told myself to try my best to not 'care' for Felix since he's just a sick hopeless boy but it's hard, really hard. He's my best friend it's seriously scary seeing someone you have spent all your time on slowly leave you ; this is why I was so scared earlier... Maybe I should tell mom about this, it feels morally wrong to hide this secret.. Mom should understand, right? I mean what if she doesn't..? She might see me as a terrible selfish person I mean I wouldn't blame her if she really did think of me like that.

"Hyunjin how about you go show Felix his room? You can decorate it how ever you want honey!"

"Ah really? Thank you Mrs Hwang..!"

"You don't need to be so formal, just call me Aunty or Mom!"

"Okay a-aunty.."

I'm glad he's feeling more welcomed now I hope it eases all the tension.. Wow his bags are packed! Damn, how much stuff does this kid need? I can't make him carry all this upstairs but then why am I worrying?! I'm so childish.

"I'll take the bags just go upstairs."

"You sure?"

"Are you gonna carry them?"

Felix smiled and walked up the stairs, before in my eyes I couldn't see all the red flags, I couldn't see Felix grow weaker and weaker because I was self absorbed but now I can really see the struggle even if he's just doing a simple task like walking up the stairs. He looks exhausted ; like it's almost painful to walk up the stairs. His bags were heavy but they would've been heavier for him so it's not a problem. I really miss when we were normal now I feel like our friendship might feel like it's just all about his illness, oh now I've realised why he didn't wanna tell me about his condition worsening. I don't want that to happen I really don't.. I don't want this to be our outcome.

"Is this my room?"

"Yeah it is. You like?"

"Yeah! Thanks Hyune!"

"It's nothing, I'll leave you to unpack if you need me you know where I am."


He's such a little kid, getting excited over a room, tch.. I know he won't ask me for help but I can't do anything about that! Oh yeah I need to finish that painting, doesn't Felix like my paintings? Maybe I can gift him it for his room, that would be thoughtful.. If I want him to have it I better hurry up and finish it ; it's no where near done..! What would Felix know about art anyway? Ah at least it gives me an excuse to finish it!

(sorry for the short chapter ~ )


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