13 🌼

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Hyunjin's POV :

Now that I'm walking down the empty street the memories of when Felix was well enough to join my midnight walks are reappearing into my memory, I'm not saying that I forgot about these precious times but the way Felix's condition just seems to slowly grab his freedom away from him makes me cherish these vivid memories. I'm started to feel a smile form on my face thinking about those times I took got granted, my angel is losing his signature spark ; what do I do..? I look up to see that I'm stood at the convenience store doors, was my mind that distracting? All of my intense reminiscing about our past has made me become completely disconnected from the time.. Okay, mom told me just to grab some drinks that me and Felix enjoy that's a fairly easy task for me! I'll just grab two of the litre bottles of Sprite and some Coke, that should be alright. Wait, can Felix drink soda? Won't that upset his stomach? His stomach has seemed quite sensitive probably due to his worsening immune system.. I should call my mom and ask her.. The phone begins to ring.

"Hello mom?"

"Hey sweetie! Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just calling you because I wanna know if Felix can drink any soda? I don't wanna buy drinks that he can't even drink.."

"I'll put him on!"

"Oh ok..?"

So he's awake..?



"Can you drink soda or will it upset your stomach..?"

"I don't t-think I can.. Too risky..!"

I knew it.

"Ah I see..! Okay well tell mom that I'm just gonna pay then I'll head back!"


"Wait-! What can you drink then?"

"Uh.. I don't wanna be a pain but can you pick me up some... taro milk tea? You know that boba place n-next to the store..?"

"Oh yeah, I can pick you that up. Bye!"

Taro milk tea, huh? His sick stomach can't handle soda but it can handle taro milk tea..? I'm not going to overthink it since if he wants it then it most likely will make him feel better! I'll do anything for him just so I can see him recover the best he can manage, seeing him smile so genuinely constantly tells me that he's one effective step closer to beating his battle. Okay I better go pay now..! I quickly scan the items and make my way out of the store ; now it's time for boba. Gosh that boy is gonna have an intense sugar rush and I don't want to deal with it, that stack of pancakes from earlier has already put me off! Those sounds coming from his trembling body really did rub salt in my already sore wounds but I couldn't do anything about it. Ah.. Why am I thinking about this? I should just get his boba and head straight home for his freckled face to welcome me. The overly sweet smell of all different types of syrups just clogged my nose with a soft voice joining the description of the atmosphere.

"Hello~! What would you like?"

"U-uh... Could I just get a medium taro milk tea with tapioca please?"

If I remember clearly that was his order, my brain had just kind of ingrained it into my memory without me realising. Whenever we would go on our frequent midnight walks Felix would always order a boba for the stroll.

'Hi~! Could I get a regular taro milk tea with extra tapioca please~??"

Oh crap I forgot the extra tapioca..!

"Oh yeah! Could you add extra tapioca please~?"

The worker across from me let out a small smile ; she was the worker who always served Felix without a doubt while I was standing next to him completely in a daze, maybe she recognised me..?

"Of course, how much sugar would you like?"

His stomach can barley handle my moms almost sugar free pancakes so I'm just gonna say 20%.

"20% please."

"Ordering for freckles?"

Is that what she calls Felix? Damn this girl really does take note of her customers..

"O-oh yeah..!"

"How is he?"

"He's alright~!"

She lightly nodded then let out another smile but this time it was quite faint.. How did she recognise me? Whenever I come into this little shop with Felix I'm always wearing a face mask without a doubt?! Ah.. I shouldn't worry she's just being kind..

"I haven't seen freckles in a while, where has he been?"

"Well.. He has a illness so he's just exhausted at the moment.."

I sigh.

"Ah really? I hope he's alright ; he's just a kid.."


Everyone seems to care more when something predominant happens ; she seems like she  genuinely cares and cared about Felix so I guess she's not like the 'others'.

"Here's the boba, that will be 4.50!"


Fairly cheap for boba ; that's cool! Now I see why Felix likes this place so much.

"Have a nice night kid~!"

I smile at her because her heart seems to warm.. Wait what this on the boba..? A note..

'I hope freckles gets better soon! You two are good kids, have a good one ~ !! :)'

Hm.. That's kind of her! I'm going to be honest ; I've never seen a complete stranger who's a employee be so warm hearted towards someone who's situation she doesn't know a single thing about.. Her demeanour was so hopeful and I have a strong feeling that she wasn't making a fuss out of pity.

"Oi Hyunjin!"

Huh, what was that? Why does that voice sound so...familiar..? I cluelessly look up while I shove the note from 'boba girl' into my pocket, is that who I think it is..? No, it can't be..

"Are you just going to stare?"

Yeah it somehow is ; it's Park Minjun.


Gosh am I trembling..?!

"Gosh I thought you died or something.. Where's that blonde dude, Felix is it?"

Why is he asking for Felix..? He knows that me and Felix harshly despise him! I just want this to end right this second, I can't stand him.

"Don't worry Minjun."

"I swear he's dead."

Does he have a death-wish or something?! I swear this delinquent can't keep his idiotic mouth shut for longer than two seconds, not even I'm as idiotic as Park Minjun and that says A LOT.

"He's not dead. Bye."

Just pick up the pace and walk away from his presence ; then he'll leave me alone. I never had a problem with Park Minjun until that one day in middle school when the news that Felix had an illness got out.


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