19 🌼

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Hyunjin's POV :

Finally the exaggerated school day is finished, I can't wait to get home and show Felix my painting ; I seriously can't contain myself any longer to wait. I should wait for him outside of the gates.. Oh mom is calling me, I wonder what's wrong?

"Hello mom?"

"Hey honey, are you with Felix?"

"I'm just waiting for him at the gates since our homeroom teacher let him go to the bathroom."

"I see, I'm coming to pick you two up so stay where you are alright?"

That's unusual.. Normally, mom never picks me up ; what's the fuss?

"Oh okay mom..!"

"Love you honey."

"Love you mom!"

I turn my head as the phone goes dead, it's Felix brightly skipping towards me. The smile formed on his face haunts me for some odd reason, there's such an eerie aura I feel when Felix's smile hits me and I just can't put my finger on why..?

"Sorry I took so long Hyune~!"

"A-ah it's fine..! My mom is going to pick us up so we have to wait here."

"Oh okay!"

When will you learn to stop smiling like that? I don't think I'll ever see the day where he learns his lesson and stops paining me with that beautiful smile of his. He's rummaging through his bag, it's making me overly curious..

"I bought us some ice creams when I was coming to meet you, eat them quickly since they are a tiny bit melted.."

He impatiently shoves the Melona ice cream into his mouth in a babyish way ; he's such a child, my mind will never think otherwise. Felix just needs care to survive and I'm not just saying this because he's so dangerously ill, I'm saying this because his warm heart needs someone to make sure it can stay warm for the rest of his eternity.


"Is it yummy?"

"Of course, Melonas are the best!"

I feel a wave of relief whenever Felix seems to be enjoying the little things in his life but it also stabs a deep unrecoverable wound into my heart, he values the unnoticeable parts of his life in a call of help ; It's like he wants to take everyone else's pain that he has 'caused' and dump it straight back onto him. I just want him to know that even though it feels like he's causing suffering to everyone around him he really isn't. He's in an unbearable amount of pain yet he still manages to continue his life with it taunting him and I admire that mindset of his. For me, Felix is the most innocent living being in this world ; my angel. To him and other clueless bystanders he's loosing his spark but to me he's the same old Felix I've known and loved for years, I just desperately need his frail mind to know that before it's too late.

"You remembered that my favorite flavour is cola."

"How could I forget?!"

We both let out an unforgettable giggle, I love our bound and I value it more. Oh, it's my moms car we are heading home now.

"Hi auntie!"

"Hello sweetheart! How was your first day back at school?"

Me and Felix sit side by side once again, this reminds me of this morning when we traveled on the bus ; maybe it's positive sign, maybe it's negative sign. This thought doesn't bother my mind like how it was supposed to.

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