18 🌼

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Hyunjin's POV :

"Take a seat boys..!"

It's 7:47 am and instead of sitting in our home room class munching on some snacks I'm sitting in Mr Yoon's depressing office.. I hate it..! I can feel the heavy presence of Felix's eyes fix towards me as we sit side by side just like how we were sitting on the bus unless than 10 minutes ago.

"I just want to talk to you two about how things will be handled now.."

What does he mean..?

"H..Hm.. What do you mean Mr Yoon..?"

I bet this is about Minjun! Felix probably thinks the same since I can see Felix's hands start to tremble, it's like I can read his mind..

"Well since your condition has worsened there's some precautions the school wants you two know about..!"

He's seriously treating Felix as if he can't do anything on his own.. I understand that Felix can't do simple tasks which include a-lot of energy but it's seriously not a big problem and both me and Felix already know what to do if anything serious takes place.

"It's just one thing you two need to know, Hyunjin we're asking you to just look out for Felix during school times.. I know how hard this situation is for the both of you but the teachers will do anything and everything to help you two.."

"Felix, I don't want my point to be seen as stressful to you.. please understand ..!"

Felix's POV :

"Felix, I don't want my point to be seen as stressful to you.. please understand ..!"

Stressful..? Mr Yoon really does seem like he just wants to help me and make sure I feel comfortable at school.. Having to discuss serious topics like my condition force me to feel more stressed and vulnerable but that's just how the rest of my short life is going to play out ; I don't want it to but I didn't choose to have this illness. Is Hyunjin getting agitated..? His bitting his bottom lip pretty aggressively.. I know I'm a struggle to take care of so I understand if he doesn't want to take on this responsibility because I wouldn't either.. Like everyone else says ; I'm hopeless.

"Mr Yoon Felix is fine I swear.. I can obviously look after him but he's capable of doing simple tasks..!"

Yeah he's getting overly worked up..

"I understand that but we just want to make sure you both feel comfortable at school.."

"Why wouldn't he feel comfortable?!"

Hyunjin's voice made me jump a little, his feisty tone echoed through Mr Yoon's office. I can see tear welling up in his frantic eyes, did I do all of this? He's on the verge of completely snapping all because of my worthless health condition.. Why am I always the problem..?

"H..Hyunjin it's ok..! They are just making sure I'm.. alright.."

As I grab his hand his eyes don't look towards me like how I expected, they just stay fixed onto Mr Yoon as the intense tension of this sensitive conversation overtakes every other emotion felt. He's sitting back down that's such a relief..

"How about we talk about something else..! I..I'm fine with this plan.."

I just want this anxiety filled situation to be over with now.. Mr Yoon is nodding his head agreeing to my statement his nodding releases the heaviness in my heart.

"Uhm.. Hyunjin we've noticed that you've chosen an art school for your options, Felix what would you like to pick..?"

My option..? I've been dragging this topic away from my mind for months now, I don't want to think about my next option! The pills used to save my deteriorating immune system don't help me ; at-least that's what it feels like.. Why should I bother to try live my dream if my life will be cut short?

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