15 🌼

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Hyunjin's POV :

"I'm home mom!"

I slip off my sliders and my head lifts up to face the stairs ; is that Felix? He's just casually sitting on the side of the stairs watching my mom cook some delicious jjajangmyeon, gosh that strong smell of black bean sauce just blocks my nose ; I love it! As I walk into the kitchen mom picks up a generous amount of noodles up from her chopsticks and pushes her hand towards me, begging me to try her heavenly jjajangmyeon.

"How is it?"

"Mmmm~ Mom, it's the best~!"

Like I said before mom hates it when I act so dramatically when I taste any type of delicious food because I act too 'harsh', but I can't help myself from rolling my eyes back as that black bean coated noodle came in contact with my taste buds.. Mom just rolled her eyes at me and I can see her smirk as she turns around. I'll just place the drinks on the counter and see what Felix is up to, oh yeah his boba!

"Here's the boba."

I took a seat next to him ; I hope he doesn't mind me.


"Your welcome~!"

Why does he always have that same exact smile plastered across his face..? His smile has become overly grateful ever since his condition has started to worsen and it fills my heart up with fear.. It's almost like I could experience deep dreams all about his smile ; some good, some bad.

"Oh yeah, you know the boba employee who always serves you?"


"She gave me this note for you, she's really kind!"

I can see his face gently relax as his eyes follow the words written on the post-it note, once again another bright memorable smile immediately rushed over his freckled face.

"She is nice."

"You like jjajangmyeon right?"

"of course I-"

"Boys dinner is ready!"

Oh god I'm too excited to try this top tier jjajangmyeon again, jjajangmyeon is probably my favorite dish that my mom cooks since it just tastes to unique in the best way possible ; kind of like my mom's Tonkatsu! As I'm making sure that my beautiful jjajangmyeon is mixed perfectly together I can see Felix's face light up as he sits down, he looks overjoyed which brings a smile to my face but I'm anxious that todays dinner will play out just like the morning breakfast.

"You're mom told me you love jjajangmyeon sweetheart!"

"Mhm~! I promise I won't throw up this time."

Okay I guess that takes that big cloud of anxiety away from my self.

"I hope it's as yummy as your moms!"

Felix's POV :

Wow, this jjajangmyeon looks so.. grand..! I have some appetite now so hopefully my stomach can handle this yummy food. Mmm~
this is so good ; I can see what Hyunjin means when he tells me how good of a chef his mother is! Auntie's jjajangmyeon reminds me of home, the smell of black bean paste from my mother's jjajangmyeon creeping up the stairs and into my room, my mom blasting 'TWICE' as she cooks the tender meat to mix with her jjajangmyeon ; I really miss home.. I just want to be in my mom's arms whenever I feel ill, I want to smell her expensive scent latch onto my clothing whenever she comforts me ; I just want my mom. My chewing is becoming progressively slower as I think of her memories. I miss my dad as well, I miss his reassuring words so so so much.. Why does that stupid job have to take them away from me?

"Lix are you gonna be sick again?"

Oh god, Hyunjin thinks that I'm gonna spew out all of my organs again..

"It's alright sweetheart, Hyunjin can take you to the bathroom if you need to be sick..!"

I can feel my eyes start to swell up again like how they did when my parents left to go out of Seoul ; this feeling feels too familiar.. I hate it..
A tear just feel into my bowl of steamy jjajangmyeon, I'm embarrassed..

"Does it hurt?!"


Tears are just seeming to flow uncontrollably out of my eyes and onto my icy cheeks ; I can't contain it anymore.

"What's wrong sweetie?! Do you miss your mom??!"

Auntie is trying her best to help me cope without my mom but only I know that I can't cope without my mom or dad..


"I..I want my..mom..!"

"Alright sweetheart, I'll call your mom right away, please don't cry!"

Why is Hyunjin behind me..? I can feel his hand rub against my smooth shoulder ; his touch just reminds me of my mom.

"Eat your jjajangmyeon before it gets cold!"

The noodles are so delicious and I seriously love them so maybe I should listen to Hyunjin, maybe it will blur away my sorrow..?

🌷 ~ The call ~ 🌷

"Mrs Lee! Yes Felix is doing well but he's quite upset right now, he's saying that he misses you.."

"Oh gosh.. Put him on.."

"Yes, of course!"

"Oh baby, what's wrong?!


"Don't cry please.. You need to be strong baby..!"

"..C..come back.. please..?!"

Hyunjin is trying his best to comfort me but the tears just won't quit flowing even though I really want them to..

"We'll see each other soon, baby.. Hyunjin and Mrs Hwang are taking care of you for now..!"

"..B..But I miss.. you...!"

"Mom and dad miss you too baby.. but can you promise me that you'll take your medicine..? Me and dad have been worrying about you not taking the correct dosage of medication.."

"...O-okay mom.. I promise..."

"Thank you baby.. I'll call you tomorrow, make sure to eat all of your dinner..!"

"N-night mom.. I love you.."

"I love you more Felix.

The call went dead.


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