9 🌼

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Hyunjin's POV :

"Hyunjin breakfast is ready~!"

He sounds happy..? Did he actually completely change my mom's absurd views?! Mom
is way too stubborn to be making a 'fuss', that's what she says at least, so there's no way! Did my mom do this in pity..? I seriously hope not,
it's obvious that Felix didn't want people to fuss about him since it would just feel like everyone pities him.. Complete silence as we walked to the kitchen ; I have to break it.

"Did you actually convince her??"

He smiled brightly then turned his head towards me.

"I told you she would realise how amazing your art is! I'm hungry so let's hurry down stairs."

What..? This is so strange! Yesterday, Felix was sitting at the dinner table struggling to do the 'simple' task of eating his food but this morning he was hungry..? I obviously knew that loss of appetite was going to be a side effect of his sickness but I didn't know it would just come and go? Maybe that's why he's so strikingly thin.. Gosh he needs to eat well to get better, I'm glad he's actually listening to me for once! What is he doing..? He's like a impatient child waiting for his mom to serve up the delicious pancakes. I know it's strange to stare but I can't help but focus on him kicking his legs around from underneath the table ; a huge smile printed across his freckled face. It makes me giggle..

"Pancakes for the best boys!"

"Thank you auntie!"

Gosh these smell better than all the batches mom has made before, maybe Felix should stay here forever so I can get the best desserts made! I shove a gigantic piece of the fluffy pancake into my mouth ; the taste immediately rushes me to heaven. Am I being too dramatic by rolling my eyes back? I don't care, this breakfast is indescribable.. Nothing can top it! I can already tell that mom is giving me a death stare to stop me from being so 'strange'. He's eating so quickly?! Did we starve him or something?? He's going to throw up if he continues to eat like that.. It's kind of putting me off..!

"Hey! Won't you be sick if you eat like that??"

Is he ignoring me?? Damn, are the pancakes that good to him?

"Don't worry about Hyunjin! Eat however you'd like to sweetie."

Mom really emphasised on that 'Hyunjin' part, didn't she? Gosh I can feel the glare pinning me down ; it makes me shiver! OOO~ Are those strawberries and cream?! Mom should know not to put this delicacy on the table when I'm around, my sugar levels are going to be through the roof!

"You really want me to get sick, don't you~?"

It feels like I'm moving in slow motion by trying to dip my fresh strawberry into that sugary delight, how dramatic ; I love it! I snapped out of that intense love scene because I can feel moms hand slap my hand..

"What was that for!?"

"Don't touch that! Those are for Felix, he needs to get his blood sugar levels up."

She's making a fuss again.. I can tell Felix is bothered by it since he just lifted his full face up..

"Eat up sweetheart!"

"A-ah, okay..!"

I have to save him from this situation since it's not just bothering me, it's bothering him too.

"Ah mom~! Don't you think that's too much to eat?? Not even I could eat all of this..!"

Will this help?? I seriously hope it does.. If he throws up all over this breakfast I won't be surprised! It's obvious that his small fragile body can't take all of this heavy food, if he couldn't even take a singular bite of the Tonkatsu last night then he definitely can't handle a stack of pancakes and some strawberries and cream! His arm is literally shaking whenever he goes to pick up a strawberry.. I should stop ; I sound too judgmental, but it's true! It's so clear that he is struggling to eat and there's something messed up with his eating pattern, why am I the only one who can tell?? Forcing a couple of pancakes down his throat isn't going to ease that pain of eating. He's in a unbearable amount of pain for his sick body to comprehend, yet he still forces himself to eat even though it hurts deep inside.

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