5 🌼

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Hyunjin's POV :

Yes, dinner is finally ready! Mom made Tonkatsu I can tell just by the smell, mmm~ it smells heavenly ; I love it! I'm not going to think about what happened with Felix before dinner because it's all fine now and I'm not going to tell mom ; she doesn't need to know. I bet mom only made Tonkatsu because I remember telling her I gave Felix my leftover Tonkatsu at lunch one day. It's nice that she remembers and takes note of small details like that, gosh I'm too forgetful to be like mom! When our school serves Tonkatsu it's yummy but my moms Tonkatsu is like 100 times better! It just tastes so unique I say this in the kindest way possible. Now I just have to wait till my Tonkatsu cools down because if I eat it when it's still burning hot my mom will scold me..

"Hyunjin tells me you like Tonkatsu!"

"Y-yes I do..!"

"Make sure to eat well sweetheart! You too Hyunjin.."

"Yeah Mom we will!"

Maybe I should start calling Felix Tonkatsu Boy ; that would be funny. It fits him well since he always steals the Tonkatsu off my tray at lunch time, like damn I want some too. I feel like since Felix has been ill I've only seen him eat three things ; Tonkatsu, Rice and Seaweed Soup. The strange thing is Felix doesn't even like Seaweed Soup and he's vocal about this. Once our homeroom teacher caught Felix struggling to eat the Seaweed Soup so he told Felix that he didn't have to eat it if he didn't want it but Felix said this...

'No Mr Park, my mom scolds me whenever I don't finish the Seaweed Soup! She tells me that it's good for me so you know I just eat it for the benefits."

Everyone laughed and now Mr Park and Felix have an inside joke together! I always knew Felix was a mommy's boy so it was funny and cute to see him say something like that. We always try feed Felix new foods but he refuses to try them, he says that trying new foods isn't for him at the moment and that Tonkatsu, Rice and Seaweed Soup are his safe foods.. It makes me upset because Felix loved Chicken before but now he never eats it ; this made me realise what an illness can really do to your immune system and just you in general. It's like watching someone's whole personality and brand get stripped from them, it's seriously insane. I was the first person Felix told when he got diagnosed, I knew Felix had other health problems from when he was a child so I didn't really think anything of it. Felix has always had pain in his back so of course I thought that all this pain was just caused by his back problems! Oh, how stupid was I? I think I told myself this because I didn't wanna believe Felix would have a serious condition so I linked all these problems with his back problems which didn't make sense at all..

"This is sooooo yummy mom~ gosh your Tonkatsu makes me so happy!"

"The best Tonkatsu for you two!"

Felix doesn't seem to be eating a lot.. He's taking the smallest bites and it doesn't look like he's enjoying it. It's like he's struggling to swallow the smallest pieces of Tonkatsu..? That's so strange, Tonkatsu and Rice is literally the only foods he'll eat because of his illness so why isn't he eating? Does he not like my moms one? Nah it can't be! Felix has come to my house before and has loved my moms Tonkatsu sometimes he even begs me to ask my mom if he can have more..?!

"I'm gonna give up my crunchy piece for you, do you want it~???"

"N-no it's alright..!"

Huh?? Felix normally steals all my crunchy pieces of Tonkatsu straight off my lunch tray!


I fake choked because maybe that would persuade Felix into eating more.

"Hey, come on... You told me you would eat Tonkatsu for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner without hesitation, you're backing down??"

This wasn't a lie but I actually wish it was because that's so unhealthy! I mean I would do the same but anyway..!

"I guess..?"

"Are you the Lee Felix I know?!"

"What's wrong Hyunjin? Let Felix eat!"

"I am, mom!"

"Is he bothering you sweetheart? I see you haven't eaten alot.."

Felix looks sort of embarrassed maybe I should've shut up.

"A-actually, I'm not that hungry.."

"Are you sure sweetheart? You haven't eaten all day!"

"I-i'm sure.. I had some vitamin gummy's in the morning so I'm f-full! I really like your T-tonkatsu though..!"

"If you like it then take my crunchy piece.. Oooo oh my gosh, it looks so yummy!!!"

A VITAMIN GUMMY?! This boy is insane, he is not getting away with that with my mother..

"You're full just from that sweetheart?"

"Yes Aunty.."


"N-normally I don't really eat anything because it just makes me feel sick.."

Seriously what?!


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