14 🌼

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˚ʚ ˚. ~ Memory ~ ˚ʚ ˚.

We both walked into class just like how we normally would, not one single thing was different except for the strange aura around us. It was obvious that our classmates were murmuring about me or Felix but it didn't really bother me since to me, the topic they were most likely murmuring about was probably just something petty and worthless! Rumours spread like chinese whispers is what I knew and thought, my class was just a place for students to freely gossip and catch up on school news. I wasn't really interested with gossip and all of that since it never really applied to me or Felix ; so I don't care. I sat at my desk right behind Felix and tapped his back with excitement rushing across my face.


"Do you think we have a test today..? Is that why everyone is whispering? Hah! They all know that your gonna fail."

He just blankly stared at me trying not to smirk.

"Did you even study?"

Felix's voice yelled in a jokingly tone ; it was clear that he was trying to embarrass me. The whole class just looked us up and down, it was like they were all in sync.. An eerie shiver travelled down the hairs on my spine and Felix let out his sly smirk. Minjun's obnoxious pig styled laugh just broke that 'class clone' feeling, he walked over to me and Felix and just stared for a good thirty-seconds.

"Felix, are you sure you can participate in an exam anymore?"

Felix's eyes scanned the room in confusion. A clueless look just took over our faces.

"What do you mean??"

"I mean look at you.. Are you starving yourself or what?"

Minjun turned his head to face me, his dirty look seemed to compliment my whole body. I looked at Minjun with disgust ; how could someone say something so vile?


Felix fixed his focus towards my face and his eye brows furrowed.

"Come on Felix, we all know that you have that condition!"

A random student added. Felix seemed to freeze for what felt like forever, I bit my lip and began to prepare myself for the scene about to unfold. Minjun had the word 'proud' written all over his face.. Felix was diagnosed just over a year from that day and we agreed not to tell anyone until it got really uncomfortable for him, everything was going so so so smoothly before that day.. Pure tears of embarrassment shone in his eyes as he tried his best to 'blink' them away..

"You're so pathetic, Minjun.."

I crouched down next to Felix and put my hand on-top of his trying my best to comfort the poor boy. Minjun continued to stare and make snarky remarks.

"Aww did I upset you? Maybe you should listen to your doctor so you won't end up in a hospital bed.."

"Cheer up Lix.."

I softly said my voice trying it's hardest to reassure and comfort him but it was like Minjun's harsh pathetic comments took over my small powered voice.

"Hyunjin you're so insensitive, he's gonna die anyway so stop getting his hopes up!"

That's when I just had enough.

"Are you stupid?"

I abruptly shot up as the whole class went silent.

"Do you have a deal wish, Hwang?"

He shot back and pulled Felix's bag out of my reach, his hands violently gripped onto the left side of Felix's light bag.

"What do you think your doing-?!"

Just as I was about to finish my sentence Minjun tipped Felix's bag upside, a number of things toppled out of his bag onto the floor but the worst and most noticeable thing which rolled across the floor was an luminous bottle of pills.

Silent cries left Felix's eyes.

"He really is hopeless."

Another bottle of Felix's medication dropped out of the bag as Minjun aggressively shook the bag ; I knew that those pills were his prey. The second that cheap bottle of pills hit the ground the cap bounced of the classroom floor ; the pills scattered across the floor. Minjun latched his greedy hands onto the unopened bottle of prescription medication and poured them all over the floor.


I snatched Felix's empty bag out of Minjun's dirty hands making sure my grip was guaranteed to overpower his. Minjun rolled his eyes in frustration then proceeded to throw the empty luminous bottle of pills at Felix.

"The fun is over now."

Minjun walked off ; I could tell that he didn't like the way I reacted. Normally, victims of Minjun's tormenting scheme would just let him do whatever the hell he wanted to do with them and they would keep quiet and just allow him to torment them.

"Let's go to the nurses office hm?"

I picked up all of Felix's textbooks along with his pencil case and neatly put his supplies back into his bag, I put my arm around him ushering his broken shell out of the class room.

"The nurse will call your mom to pick you up, yeah!?"

Felix nodded and then lowered his head once again.

Hyunjin's POV :

Is he just leaving me alone? Thank god.. I didn't want to deal with him anyway! I seriously just don't understand why Minjun decided to act up that day and I don't think I'll ever be able to understand his logic because it will never ever ever ever make sense in this universe ; his out of pocket actions will never be explainable and it will remain like that for years and years. Pushing Minjun aside, my mind just won't let go of clinging onto my painting! I just keep thinking about finishing it but my mind is more drawn towards how Felix will react when I gift it to him.. There's a bundle of emotions flowing through my brain which link to that painting of Felix, these emotions all link with happiness and joy expect for one which doesn't seem to be a worrying or careless emotion it's more 'neutral', I feel like I've forgotten to capture a certain detail in my artwork..? Okay Hyunjin, just picture that exact reference photo you used to paint ; I've captured his blushed nose, I've captured those eyes and I've captured his hands impressively by using shades which just seem to melt together perfectly.. So what is it?! His necklace! Eh I don't need to pain that since it's a close up ; I was worrying over nothing..!


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