Chapter 1: Isekai

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Endi has been going around in circles finding the right ingredients. She just needed one more Ivy Shroom. She'd been trying to find ingredients for some soup she was working on, but couldn't find the remaining ingredient.

Suddenly, she looked down and found the last one. She was so happy to find it that she forgot to be mad at herself for not noticing it beforehand. Ivy Shroom season was almost over, good thing she remembered this morning to pick the ingredients or they would all be shriveled up and dead.

Her short pastel hair, which looked like a claw in the back of her head, frantically shook as she inserted the last ingredient in her Glitch-Pack, with its antennas sticking out. The pitch black horns on the side of her head stood straighter than a satellite dish as they shined from the afternoon sunlight.

As Endi decided to call it a day, she saw ruins to her left, the ruins of Malarky Town. Yesterday, Malarky Town was attacked by something, something humongous and dreadful, which made the devastated town look like a child's playset, leaving the whole town destroyed. Reports say no one survived, and there seemed to be no evidence that it was the result of another battle from the war. Endi sucked her pity and kept walking, even if she wanted to help somehow.

After a while, she heard something. A sound if you will. Kind of like muttering, very fast and unintelligeble muttering. It seemed to be coming from some rocks nearby.

Endi got near the rocks when she saw the origin of the muttering. A boy, probably her age, wearing ripped clothing, shoes made of leaves, cardboard, and tape, black fingerless gloves, a sling backpack, and gray spiked-up hair. He was curled into a ball, fear in his gray eyes, as he gripped a wooden staff with a Knight Visor next to his tense hands. What has he gone through?

Endi tried asking if he was ok, but before she could tap the boy, he jumped up, took a fighting stance, and tried to attack her. Then out of fear, Endi shot the boy with a paralysis arrow, making him fall to the ground and hit his head with more rocks. This was none other than the gray haired-lad himself, and he was out like a light.


The first thing that he felt was that he was wrapped in something. Or something was on him, like a blanket. Then he heard humming. The gray haired-lad opened his eyes to see the same forest he has been in for the past two weeks, with the same oversized trees with their gigantic leaves that are just thin enough to let sunlight pass. This time he was laying on the ground with some sort of vest as a blanket. Then a girl with black horns on the side of her head, reading his notebook, was sitting next to him. Her eyeballs had black rings around them and the rest was fully colored light pink. There wasn't a sight of any pupils.

The events of the past days were still fresh in his mind, so he at least tried to ignore them for as long as possible. No time to dwell on silly little things like that. This girl, as you know to be Endi, didn't seem to notice his awakening until 2 minutes later, he tapped Endi's arm, jump-scaring her in the process.

But her reaction wasn't one of anger for the unsolicited jolt, but one of shame.

"I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry! IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY!" screamed the horned girl as she jumped up and began bowing to apologize. "I didn't mean to read your notebook!"

The gray haired-lad took his notebook back, which had fallen on the floor, and took his pencils out to write something. Before Endi could start crying of shame, the gray haired-lad showed her the page he wrote on, which read, "It's ok. I know you didn't mean no harm."

Endi felt relieved that she hadn't angered the gray-haired lad, and said nervously, "Oh ok, if you say so, or write so, hehe." The gray haired-lad happily nodded in agreement.

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