Chapter 9: Painfully Comforting Revelations

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It was the middle of the night and Print woke up to Yuri waking him up.

"I had a nightmare," Said Yuri with sign language.

Print, knowing what she meant by her sign language, pushed her away and told her to get out.

Yuri understood her brother didn't wish to be bothered and left.

It hurt her a little bit, for she had dreamed of a world without her big brother, the one she looked up to.


Endi fell down, she was breathing harshly and sweating buckets. The one thing she never wanted anyone to know about had come back to haunt her. Her heart was beating at mach 3 speed and didn't seem to stop.

From the rest of the "team", different reactions came.

"Looks like the cat's out of the bag," said Sahara, knowing full well it was useless to lie at this point.

"WHAT!?" yelled Tae in utter disbelief.

"Who would've thought," said Simul, hiding his surprise.

A small "huh" came from Print, who had no desire to let his guard down.

"Yeah, yeah, I was surprised too," said Bushi. "To think the missing princess of the Purity Monarchy was hiding in Overgrowth Forest, seemingly off the grid. Such a shame that the one who helped the most in getting Queen Ellenox to pow-"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUTUP SHUTUP SHUTUP UPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!" yelled Endi, covering her ears and on the verge of crying.

"But it's true, is it?" Said Bushi. Endi could not protest anymore, why lie at this point.

He held both his swords with his hands, and the rest of the Quartet seemingly did the same.

"But I do need her, so hand her over," said Bushi while he unsheathed his leaf blades, which had the shape of katanas. "Or die."

To Endi, her entire life had crumpled down. She refused to go back to that place, that woman. But seeing what her friends have gone through in regards to the Purity Monarchy, chances are she won't be back in her shack tonight.

"It was fun while it lasted, thinking I could be like everyone else," whispered Endi to herself as she began walking further, not wishing to see her friends get hurt or see them betray her.

But before she could continue, she was stopped by Print, who was now pissed off. If they think we are just gonna abandon a friend, they got another thing coming, thought Print, fuming with anger.

Endi looked at him and said, "Print it's ok, you don't have to. It's true what they said, and I don't deserve for you or anyone to forgive me. I was a part of the Purity Monarchy's atrocities, so I must pay. I don't want you to suffer."

Print looked back at her, his yellow digital eyes locked in with her light pink eyes. He gave her a reassuring smile, giving her the only answer that Print could give her, and it was written in his smile.

Everything will be alright, thought Print. 

He looked back at the attackers and gave his trademark maniacal smile and piercing stare. One only he could do.

I might not have enough time to properly defeat them, but I have enough to protect her. No one gets left behind, were his only thoughts before his mind was consumed by his fighting instincts.

He looked through the options and clicked on a song that would both help him fight and reassure the horned-girl.

As the song began playing, Print began walking towards the attackers while Endi was left to only listen to his message. 

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