Chapter 17: Separation Battle

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"WOOHOO!! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!" yelled a hyperactive Tae, standing atop the bodies of knocked out Knights and Rebels. The small fry stood no chance against the bloodthirsty and battle addicted Demi-Monster Blade Fox and her impenetrable shield. The Town Fighters helped, but Tae decided to ignore that insignificant little detail.

"Oi, get off of those weaklings and get ready to fight the rest!! These ones seem powerful!" Said Bushi with a mix of grouchiness and anger.

Sure enough, the next batch were the stronger Knights and Rebels. Probably still Mage rank, but tough nonetheless. It was 6 Knights and 6 Rebels. 

"You know, you didn't have to kill them," said Simul dejectedly.

"But then they would be able to get back up, it's the only way to stop an enemy," said Bushi apathetically. "Doesn't matter if they are weak or not, war is war. People die in war." His eyes stared straight into the abyss, not showing any signs of remorse.

Simul looked at him confused for a bit, before saying, "Whatever."

In that same instance, Tadashi got a call from the Voice Chat Channel. It was the officers that Tadashi assigned to the west and eastern borders.

"What is it? Uh huh... WHAT!!? How did they get past the traps!? Both of you?...ok.... Yeah I will.... Copy that," said Tadashi before muting himself. "Tae-San, Simul-San, I need you two to go to the eastern border!! They need reinforcements, they got past the small fry and are having trouble with the tougher ones!!" 

"Yeah, sure!" Said Simul with a thumbs up. "Come on Tae."

Tae gave a sloppy salute and the two began to run. Well... more like Tae went into Wild-Mode and Simul, due to being very short, was taking a ride on his cousin's back. 

Tadashi then switched to a direct Voice Line with Endi and said, "Endi-San, the western border needs help dealing with tough opponents! I need you and Print-San to go help them!... Ok, thank you!" He muted himself again and stared back at the incoming enemies.

"You really are gonna trust those punks, if their leader panics like that then the rest of that team won't be as impressive," said Bushi spitefully. He even rolled his eyes, slowly at that.

"Oi, I don't wanna hear that from you! They have more honor than a scumbag like yourself! Besides, those kids are strong, especially Print-san," said Tadashi, glaring at Bushi.

"Idiot," said Bushi under his breath.

They held their Gratanas tightly. Tadashi took a low stance with the tip of his Gratana facing the enemies while Bushi had both of his Gratanas, Kamakiri Blades and all, leaning on his shoulders. The townsfolk were right behind them, Gratanas and all other weapons out, Special Attacks ready.

"Doesn't this bring back memories?" Asked Bushi tauntingly. The two of them were far enough from the townsfolk for the two swordsmen to talk without getting eavesdropped.

"Memories that I wish to just forget, especially since you are in them," said Tadashi dryly.

"Oh come on, did our rivalry die or something?" Asked Bushi sarcastically.

"It did when you dishonored your clan and your comrades after you killed that man and were banished," said Tadashi emotionlessly.

Bushi growled slightly and harshly said, "He had it coming for him!"

"Just shut your mouth and fight! Those might have been some of their weaker men, probably Juniors, and Regulars! These guys might be Sergeants and possibly Captains so I don't wanna see you get cocky!!" Yelled Tadashi, wishing to not discuss the subject furthermore with Bushi, and trying to distract his thought from venturing too far.

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