Chapter 6; Happy Accidents Come Biting Back

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Waking up in the mornings has never been so lively, but Print should have expected such from having four people live in the same house. It's only been a day since the Seed City incident and Tae and Simul are already getting accustomed to living in the Tree Shack. Print and Endi only have two futons, but Tae said that she could sleep in one of the branches, apparently Blade-Foxes do that, don't they borough, and Simul doesn't mind sleeping on the couch. Endi and Print are probably gonna have to go back to the market.

"Breakfast is ready!" yelled Simul from the kitchen, it smelled delicious to say the least. He was ringing a bell that he brought from the remains of the Icey Dicey Cafe, they apparently lived there. Simul and Tae were able to secure some of their old belongings, like music devices and mementos. From what Print gathered, people use old hacked human phones because productions of Syntaxian phones stopped due to the war. Computers and music production devices are still used, though. Last time Print used his phone, he realized that human phones can't connect to the Syntaxian internet in Kudamon and left it in shut down mode. What should he do with it?

"Alright, I'm starving!" yelled Tae as she entered the shack through the window. She went to steal as much food as possible until Simul smacked her hand with a wooden spoon. "What was that for!!?" asked Tae as she rubbed her hand, it hurt a lot. Simul looked at her, arms crossed, and said, "Tae, normally I wouldn't mind this, since I only cook for you, but this is also for Endi and Print. They let us live here, it's the least we can do."

Tae was gonna respond, but gave up and said, "Fine, I guess you're right."

"I always am," said Simul with a smirk. 

Endi got up and yawned loudly while saying, "Goooooood morning world and everyone that inhabits it! Is that food I smell?" 

"You bet it, girl!" said Simul.

Print got up, not being able to resist the alluring smell of Simul's cooking, and yawned quietly before waving at his friends. He got up and noticed that his chest was covered in bandages yet again. "Yeah, after we watched Howl's Moving Castle, you fell asleep and began bleeding from your chest wound. I forgot to apply first aid on you when we got here, sorry," replied Endi while rubbing the back of her head, head hanging low from guilt.

Ah so that's why last night was blurry, thought Print. 

"I also was able to sew back your shirt, don't get it ripped again," said Endi while pointing to his shirt that was neatly folded to his right. He took it and noticed a black line near the stomach area of the shirt. He put it on and walked towards the table. 

"I was gonna take your visor for you but Endi said I shouldn't, I am still surprised that you were able to sleep with that thing on," said Tae while pointing to his face. Print touched it and noticed the visor was still on, he kept forgetting to take it off but with Simul and Tae living with them, it is gonna get harder to take it off without them seeing his human eyes and ears. Thankfully Endi was here to cover for him. He turned it on and more notifications appeared, one of them being that his body is not endangered anymore. 

Unbeknownst to the gray-haired lad, however, Endi had told the cousins last night that Print is sensitive about certain topics, like why he doesn't talk and his visor, so they shouldn't bring it up. This was reinforced by Endi glaring at Tae after what she said. 

He smiled and instinctively took a bite out of the food in front of him. It was a blend of rice with eggs and non-power fruits. Yummy. So yummy, in fact, that his visor over exaggerated his happiness by adding sparkles and flowers that gave a nice calm vibe. "Glad you liked it, Print," said Simul while also eating his share.

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