Chapter 21: Kaiju Canon Massacre

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This really could not have gotten even worse. After Tadashi and Bushi listened to both of the Knight Captain's and R-Captain's plan to take the Premo-Stone, it sended an actual shiver down the swordsmen's spines. Individually, the plans were easy to stop. In unison and at the same time, it was all too effective.

"You're lying... YOU MUST BE!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT COULD DO!?!?" screamed a highly distressed Bushi at the Knight and Rebel who were currently tied up in vibes.

"Hehe, why of course, ninja," said the Rebel with glee. "We believe in chaos and anarchy, so we shall take the Premo-Stone just like that!!"

"This is a plan conceived by our very own Queen, success is both inevitable and effective," said the Knight Captain calmly. He didn't feel any hint of worry after revealing his plan.

"Not just the town, but even the evacuees will get killed, don't you care about your own people's safety?!" Interrogated Tadashi, who was trying to hide his own worries. They fought for their people, right? Surely they wouldn't just—

"It's a sacrifice worth paying if the Purity Monarchy wishes to control all of Kudamon. Everyone will be happy in the end," said the Knight calmly as if it was so obvious.

"These oppressing scumbags threaten the freedom of us all, a few dead people in one replaceable town won't matter much," said the Rebel, who was more annoyed than worried.

"Besides..." said both the Knight and Rebel coldly as they stared at the swordsmen dead in the eyes.

"They betrayed us after refusing to hand over the Premo-Stone and siding with these cretins."

"They chose to work with these morons, should've just given us the Premo-Stone."

Both Tadashi and Bushi were left speechless, and more or less taken aback by these statements. Were they aware that Lychee Town hadn't even decided yet? Or was the fact that both sides sent letters to hand over the Premo-Stone taken as betrayal? Probably a mix of both, but one thing was certain, these lunatics were dead set on their ideals.

Tadashi instantly turned on the communications line on his Hear-Beats And desperately wailed, "Everyone in the communication line, listen to me!!! If you are done with your border head straight for the Daimyo's Goten!! THEY HAVE A WAY OF GETTING THE PREMO-STONE!! GET EVERY TOWN-FIGHTER YOU CAN!! NOW!!"

Bushi looked back at his normally-calm old friend, who was breathing heavily alongside sweating bullets, and asked, "Do you think we can stop this?"

Tadashi gave Bushi a worried stare and said, "We have to, there's no way I can let this happen."

Bushi sighed, brushing his worries away, and determinedly declared, "Well as future Shogun, I can't let Lychee Town get destroyed. So...I... I-I'll help you out!" Though Tadashi couldn't see it, he could tell that Bushi was giving him a fiery smirk, a trademark of his from back then.

"Well, you kind of have to," said Tadashi teasingly, regaining some of his composure.

"Oi, you want my help or what?" Asked Bushi who was more or less annoyed at the swordsman's statement, causing Tadashi to chuckle lightly.

Tadashi took off his Gratana with the scabbard from his belt, and hit both the Knight and the Rebel with the scabbard, knocking them both out. While putting his Gratana back in place, he turned to face his old Grass Ninja friend and said, "Let's just get out of here."

Bushi gave him a thumbs up and ominously declared, "And we shall cut anyone that gets in our way..."

"Sure..." said Tadashi, who had more or less forgotten about Bushi's ruthlessness. It sure made him a heck of a Samurai. The two swordsmen began running towards the Goten, even leaping over houses.

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