Chapter 5; Payback Time

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"Come on, pipsqueak voice, what are you gonna do, cry?" asked a girl in 5th grade. She was cornering the silent girl who was on the ground crying. They had ripped her favorite notebook to draw. She wasn't a great artist or anything, but it still hurt.

"I don't think she can even do that," said the girl's henchwoman. 

The little girl was just waiting for someone to pick her up, she didn't want trouble. Then again, these guys don't seem like the type to know sign language. She tried to take a fighting stance like she has seen many times. 

"Oh a fighter are we?" asked the first girl while preparing fists of her own.

They both beat the girl up until they were bored enough to leave.

She laid on the ground for a while, she wasn't sure how long.

She got up to the sound of a familiar voice. She looked up to find Print, her gray-haired brother who happened to be in 8th grade at this time. A smile crept across her face. Sure he was cold to her and didn't necessarily like her, but she looked up to the boy who shared her blood and gray hair like a role model. Just the little times she saw of his life outside home were enough to convince her that her usually cold brother was a nice person. He would help people that were behind on work, he would always be the live of the party, he would always be one to bring smiles to others.

 She went towards him and held her hand out, to which he groaned and reluctantly held. Until she was old to know the path home, Print had to lead the way. 

Times like this where she could be with her brother, the only person who, despite countless times yelling at her and telling her to stop following him, never made fun or laughed at her muteness. He didn't like her, but he also didn't hate her.

This was the only person that Yui Balcom, sister of Print Balcom, felt at ease with.


Laughter filled the Post. There were about a dozen Knights inside, like every other post in Kudamon. Well except Hip-Top Desert, the Dark Armada imploded all of them once they took over.

They were basking in the fun that they had, blowing up a cafe and being able to blame it on a rebel attack was one of the perks of being a Purity Monarchy Knight.

Plus, they stole as much food from that place as they could get. "Serves them right for thinking they could get away with this. That dumb Demi-Monster had to let Icy-Boy protect her. Foxy ain't got nothing on us!!" hollered the head Knight.

Suddenly the doors slammed open. Though the post was less bigger than a storage facility, and needed space for tanks and armories, it was bigger than the average police station.

It was Print and Endi. Print had his staff in one hand with a power fruit in the other. Endi's Glitch Bows were powered on, ready and willing.

"Hey I know you two," said one of the Knights. "You're those two kids that were in the Cafe! What are you doing here? And why are you wearing a Knight Visor and a Hood-Scarf!"

All the Knights took positions, trying to determine whether the two teens were either friend or foe. They seem just as tough as the captain of the battalion back in Grapefruit Town. No wonder they only had a dozen Knights per Post. There were 6 front liners(counting the leader), 3 ranged attackers, and 3 support Knights.

"We came here to kick butt and watch anime, and our crunchyroll subscription expired!" Yelled Endi. "Come on, LETS GO!!" It seems she has been infected by Print's battle frenzy while also mixing with her energetic enthusiastic personality. Oh joy.

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