Chapter 15; Mysterious Stone, Complicated Alliance

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Do you know what worth fighting for

When it's not worth dying for?

Print was listening to 21 Guns by Green Day while he and the rest of the Fruit Fighters were being transported to Lychee Town, along with some of the best supplies, weapons, and traps that Grapefruit Town had.

Print really liked this song. It was calming, though kind of sad. Print liked the feeling of listening to music while being totally aware of his surroundings, all thanks to Endi's great skills for making something like this. Also good for fights with some flare. 

What, you thought these kids have been fighting while listening to music with no awareness of their surroundings?? Who would do something so stupid??

Anyhoo, the team was not doing too many things. Sahara was getting one of the Herbists to amplify her staff so that it doesn't break. Tae was working out, doing about 100 of everything. Simul was looking over the food supplies. Endi was still working on her Power Fruit Flash-Drive project, repeating "Almost there" outloud like a mantra. All while the gray-haired lad just looked from the back of the carriage, bigger than the one in Hip-Top Desert, while thinking about the upcoming events.

Does it take your breath away,

And you feel yourself suffocating.

Print stared at the receding landscape, it drew him. It was like he should follow it and continue to go back to where he came. Not earth, just home. It was a thought that began plaguing his mind this morning when they left for Lychee Town. He couldn't shake it off. It was weird. 

Lost in his thoughts, the gray-haired lad failed to notice Tadashi sitting next to him. He didn't say anything to him, just sat there looking at the landscape. 

"Having regrets?" asked Tadashi, not looking at Print.

Does the pain weigh out the pride?

Print got startled and lowered the volume a little bit. He got his notebook out and wrote, "I don't do regrets."

Tadashi scoffed and simply said, "That's good, regrets are the worst. As natural as they are, as quick as they can come... the pain will remain."

And you look for a place to hide.

Print looked back at Tadashi, a somber expression stroked across his face. His eyes looked into nothing and everything, as he held tight his Sakura patterned Haori.

Print hesitated, took a deep breath, and wrote, "Do you have any?"

Did someone break your heart inside?

Tadashi sighed heavily after reading Print's writing and said, "Yeah I do, everyone has them. It's a part of life. I'm guessing you have some."

Print looked down and nodded, calming his breathing and his thumping heart to not go insane again. He rubbed his feet together, feeling the sensation of the fluff inside of the shoes, calming his mind.

"We shouldn't think about that stuff now," said Tadashi, "We have a lot ahead of us."

Print only nodded as he returned to give his full attention to the music and the background. Tadashi was right, a lot will be ahead of the gray haired-lad and company.

You're in ruins.


"Ok," said Simul calmly, "What the fu–"

"THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING!!" yelled the Daimyo of Lychee Town, Ame. He had decided to personally come and greet the reinforcements, much to his bodyguards' dismay. He was slightly younger than Mori, while at the same time not really showing much of the leadership feel that someone like Tadashi or Mori has.

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