Chapter 18: When we were Told Otherwise.

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"Ok, there is no way these losers can really cause problems for relatively decent fighters" said Bushi boredly while looking at the sickly sight of his dead opponents. The Sergeants stood no chance against the two swordsmen, though it was clear who was more brutal by the blood stains on their clothes. The Town Fighters were in the back patching themselves back up.

"For once I agree, and it was 24 of them," said Tadashi calmly. He was checking his Haori, making sure it wasn't stained. "Though they were just civilians."

Bushi noticed that and asked, "Why do you still have that old thing?" The mere sight of the Haori disgusted him.

Tadashi tensed up and harshly said, "How about you mind your damn business, I just happen to like this Haori a lot."

Bushi looked at him oddly for a bit before turning away and saying, "Weirdo."

The two swordsmen looked at the massive Mythical Monster and the ominous Boomster, towering above them like pathetic ants. They had not moved in a while, nor done anything for that matter. Amtaerasaur looked like it was sleeping while Boomster did not even make a beep.

"Why do you think Amatera-saur-Sama is attacking us?" Asked Bushi, staring deeply into the Mythical Monster.

"I honestly don't know," said Tadashi while sighing. "It makes no sense, Amaterasaur-Sama is supposed to protect us. The Purity Monarchy must have done something."

"Most likely," said Bushi before noticing two people coming their way. It looked like they were fighting each other while coming closer to them. "More corpses are coming."

"It's only two, maybe we missed some, or they are Captains," said Tadashi before taking a stance, while Bushi followed suit.

As the figures came closer, their appearances were more noticeable. One of them was a Knight, sporting the same armor, longsword, and shield as every other Knight. He seemed to use Pyro Magic. But something felt strange about him, an odd aura that emanated from him. The same could be said for the other one, a Rebel. He only held a spear while using Ground Fruit Magic. They had a weird feel to them, it bugged the two swordsmen. 

Tadashi kneeled down, placed both his hands on the rugged soil and chanted, "Natural Herb Ability: Soul Roots." He was able to connect to the wildlife of the forest, allowing him to take notice of many things. One them being a person's soul. Like the roots of a tree, the soul contained everything that made a person function. Their strength, their health, their intentions; many things that are difficult to measure. 

Herbists are highly attuned to notice these things, but Soul Roots give them a higher "view" on one's soul. Proving Tadashi's suspicions, the two fighters were significantly stronger than their previous opponents.

Tadashi got back up and said, "Captains, definitely not leftover Sergeants."

"I see," said Bushi unfazed. "Should be easy."

"Don't underestimate them," said Tadashi, who was ticked off at Bushi's aloof reaction. Why can't he take this seriously?

The two swordsmen began walking up to the Rebel and Knight who had yet to notice them. They were so focused on each other that everything around them felt like a blur. It was like by nature, they had to fight each other. Their pace began picking up faster and faster until they were practically running at full speed.

Both the Knight and Rebel were then taken back when Bushi and Tadashi tackled the two fighters. The Knight and Rebel staggered back before staring back at the two swordsmen, menacingly.

"Oi, we don't care what you want, but you better start running," said Bushi before pointing one of his Gratana's at them. "Or I am gonna cut you to pieces." His bloodlust was escaping very easily.

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