Dark Epilogue

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R-Commander Ali ran with urgency towards the Revolutionary Leader's quarters, desperately wanting to give out the message. The Headquarters of the Dark Armada was not so much a castle, but more so the remains of a rotting carcass of a palace used by the Rebels. Decked out with cool tech and random shit found on the streets. They were kind of poor.

Taking twists and turns and almost getting lost, Ali finally made his way to his immaculate leader's room, where he spent most of his time working on his projects when he wasn't fighting or chaotically leading. They always made sure to remind everyone that they weren't their leader, nor were they their followers. Purge was just trying to free others, and the Rebels just followed in his mission. They weren't that into formalities.

The Rebels were actually free to do whatever they want, but most of the time they spent fighting the wretched Purity Monarchy. Any mission was one that Purge had for anyone who was willing to go. Their mood could determine the punishment for failure, but Ali was more than happy to suffer the consequences for his failure.

He would happily die for the Armada, especially for Purge. He had liberated his home from the wretched Purity Monarchy, he would follow him till the end of times. A true hero.

Slowly opening the door, his face, darkened by the hood over him, was exposed to the unnatural sight of Purge's room. It was absolutely chaotic. A horrid mess. Everything was disorganized and out of place, but always in a different place then the last time you see it. In front of an operating table was Purge themselves, fiddling and messing with the body of the great liberator of Hip-Top Desert, Mashup. After finishing the final touches, Purge stopped the procedure and gave his comrade the all clear that the surgery had been completed, to which Mashup silently nodded as they got up from the table. They seemed to always have their armor and helmet on, no one has seen Mashup without that armor or helmet.

One thing no one knew was the reason behind the constant use of they/them pronouns that both Purge and Mashup liked to go by. Mashup didn't talk, at all, and Purge never answered.

Like in a horror movie, Purge rapidly turned their head at Ali, flashing him the widest smile anyone could possible do. Purge always wore a pitch black helmet, one that did not cover the lower part of their face, but covered the upper side. Their eyes were reflected by bright white orbs with frantic dark lines for predatorial pupils. Their hair stood up from one side, and cascaded from the other. Aside from that, Purge always wore the same thing, a black combat suit with a short black cape, giant gloves that covered their forearms with claws and giant boots that reached up to the knees with claws as well.

"ALI!!" Exclaimed Purge with glee while giving the startled Rebel a hug. "How are you doing, you seem kind of shucked?"

"N-no reason," said Ali nervously. Purge must be in one of their good moods, that's good.

"Anyway, tell me about the mission, did Boomster do a good job? Oh, how about the Premo-Stone, when can we get our vision? What's your body count?" asked Purge with unfathomable charisma in their voice.

Not wanting to beat around a dead horse, Ali got straight to the point, "Well... Boomster exploded, the mission failed, we lost a lot of soldiers and... we lost the Premo-Stone, but not to the Purity Monarchy at least..." He hoped that the last bit of info would be enough

There was a segment of excruciating silence in the room. Purge's smile remained ever present, yet grew unhinged by the second. Mashup stood still, reaching for their Extofact that leaned on the wall. The normally blatant Ali was feeling more scared by the second.

"Oh well," said Purge without a care in the world. "These things happen, we can always build another one. Besides, that was an early model, we haven't fixed the sand clogging issue, it's all right! But at least the Premo-Stone didn't fall into their hands. We can still come back after this."

Sitting down on a couch with several rips and tears, Purge remained happy. Mashup sat next to their leader with their Extofact held tightly. Purge happily fiddled with his gauntlets and asked, "So who took the vision, one of those Plant Magic guys."

"I-it was a human..."


Purge had sped faster than any Electro or Pyro could, almost instinct, and were now holding the poor Rebel high in the air with their gauntlet choking at Ali's neck. Purge still had their smile on as always, yet it became more unhinged than before. Their eyes were looking everywhere, trying to find something of use.

Purge slowly said, "WHAT... did... you... SAY!!"

"Ah... UGh... hu... man..." was the most that Ali could make out with the limited oxygen in his system. Fear coursed through his veins as he could only stare at the terrifying expression of his leader. He was sure of it: he would die.

"T-that's not possible," muttered Purge. "There shouldn't be any humans, there shouldn't be any of those wretched vermin. Hehehe... HAHAHHAHAA!!! I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM, IHATETHEMIHATETHEM!!!! HOW COULD YOU LET THAT DISGUSTING RAT GET THE PREMO-STONE!!"

"H-he over...powered us! He was too... smart.... He went by... P-punk Ha-hazard... Print..." tried Ali to say.

"And huh and you just huh just let him WALK AWAY didn't ya?' Question Purge as their voice became more crazed. "You LET a huh a MENACE walk away WITH the VISION!!! Huh Ha Ha Huh HA!! NOW what SHALL we~do~toooooo~~ YOU!!"

Ali could tell what Purge felt. It was an emotion he and many other Rebels felt through, mainly ones that used to be criminals. Bloodlust. Ali's eyes widened as his heart tried to break out of his body, all while Purge looked at him with their crazed eyes and ear-to-ear smile.

Purge brought Ali closer to them, and playfully sang with exuberance , "Night~Night~ ALI~!" Without a moment to think, Purge brought their other hand to R-Commander Ali's head, and swiftly snapped his neck.

R-Commander Ali had been killed in cold blood by his hero.

Purge didn't let go of the body, they looked straight into the corpse like an abstract piece of art. Then without a second doubt, Purge let the body drop like a wet rag.

"We'll clean that up later," said Purge to no one in particular before going back to stir down on the couch with Mashup. "Now, what to do about the human...?"

Purge reached to the left of the couch and picked their longsword, a great weapon they had found many years ago. Many Syntaxians have been mangled, pierced, and cut down by this sword. Beautiful memories.

After not even a grunt from Mashup, Purge cracked, "HUH HAHA HEEEEE HAH HUH HAHA HEE!!! Ah... you're right Mashup! It's just a human, we could kill it with ease~. But maybe we should put a bounty on the LADDIE, just in case! And if there were others with him, bounties on them too~."

For a moment, Purge did nothing. They looked straight into the floor, staring straight at the void until it stared back, then they glared back at it. They chuckled, flinching at such emotion. They crackled, giggled, laughed in mortifying glee. It was all so funny to them, the war, death, everything was all too funny.

"HUH HA HA HEEE! HUH HAHA HUH EEHH!! HAHAHAH HUH HEEE HUUUU!! HA HA HA HEEE!!!!!!!" Laughed Purge hysterically as they yanked at their hair, their smile growing at inhumane lengths, and their eyes growing even more insane.

Insanity was all Purge felt, and that too was funny to them.

(A/N): Hello, what ya think of Purge? Was he a joker copy, please tell me, cuz the joker vibe was what I was going with. No homo but... I love you guys, Thanks so much for reading this. Anyway, got to go draw, have a nice rest of your day, stay safe, and until next time...


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