Chapter 12: Fury Road of Trauma and Pain

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"DIRT ATTACK MAGIC!! SANDSTORM BLAST!!" yelled Sahara as she shot down countless Dark Armada carriages. There were way too many of these guys.

Some even got near the Fruit Fighters' carriage, in which Tae would get the jump on them and knock them out. She was the only one enjoying this.

For those that got near the driver's section, Endi would shoot Frost Arrows at them and immediately get back to driving. It was hard at times to keep her stress under control.

Everytime the Rebels attacked, Simul would take the attack, and sometimes even bounce it back to them. He always kept a calm expression no matter what.

And as for Print... well...

"Hard-Boiled if you are gonna barf, do it outside the carriage," said Sahara. The gray-haired lad quickly ran to the other end and barfed up his breakfast. 

He has at this moment become the only one unable to contribute effectively. His muscles hurt, lights hurt, sound hurt, his insides hated him, and his body didn't feel like putting in more effort anymore. The headache was not helping at all. It sucked to say the least.

After releasing as many contents as humanly possible, Print sat back and rubbed his stomach. Normally the hangovers wouldn't be as intense, but the rocketing and shaking of the carriage might have made it worse. At least, according to Sahara, the hangovers Print gets from Power Fruits don't have any long-term effects on the body, so at least that's good.

Now what do I do, thought Print, my friends are pretty much protecting my useless ass and I can't do anything. How long do I have to wait to use another Power Fruit.

"INCOMING!!" yelled Tae. A carriage of the Dark Armada came tackling the Fruit Fighters' carriage, sending some of the people in the carriage flying around hitting the walls and floor of the carriage.

Print was back on the floor, swallowing his puke. Sahara was to his side, immediately picking herself back up while Simul stayed on top of him.

"5 more minutes..." said Simul, faking grogginess. Print pushed him away and stood back up, using his staff as a walking stick. He lamented his uselessness yet again.

Meanwhile outside, Tae was kicking ass and taking names.

She jumped into the carriage that dared hit theirs and crashed into the carriage. Tae kicked one of the rebels out of the carrier and grabbed two others by their shirts, launching them outside.

One rebel tried hitting her with a ground covered fist, but Tae simply punched the attack. The rebel probably has a broken arm.

Tae held him by the collar and threw him away. She jumped into the driver's seat and kicked the driver away until immediately jumping back to hers.

Once secured on the roof of her carriage, she enjoyed the sight of the enemy carriage going away. Hopefully the Emu-Dragon would be fine.

Back inside the carriage, Sahra kept on summoning Dirt Stampedes, Dirt Demons, thousands of dirt blasts from her Sandstorm Blast, and broke any nearby carriages with Dirt-tackles. Simul was still defending the carriage while trying to take out the enemy, with Print feeling as useful as a shonen female lead.

Gah, this sucks! Know what!! Screw the rules!! Thought Print as he took out a Power Fruit from his backpack.

It was two oversized white cherries with a big swirl imprinted on them connected by a branch. A Wind Fruit.

Sahara saw him and got terrified immediately. She was not expecting him to do the unthinkable until remembering that he was a human and had no idea what could happen.

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