Chapter 11: Crisis on Crook's Way.

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Screams roared throughout the saloon. Cups crashed, not by fall damage, but by throwing attacks.

"Get away from us, you demon!" 

"Help us, it is gonna bring the end of the world!!"

"It'll take away our freedom!!"

"It's gonna bring diseases!!"

"Kill it, kill it with fire!!"

Those were some of the things that the many customers of the saloon began telling towards the gray-haired lad. As much as he didn't care, it still stung being accused of such things. 

"OH NOW WE ARE GONNA KILL YOU!" yelled one of the rebels as Print began standing up.

"Print, we have to go now," said Endi while putting on Print's visor on his head. He looked back at her while adjusting the visor, trying to get a read from her on the situation. She fidgeted and looked on the ground, letting a small sorry come out.

He looked back at Adamina, who was just sizing him up. She smacked her lips and said, "Can't say that I thought you were a human, not what I expected one to be like."

"Those poor kids are under the control of the human!! We must kill 'em too!!" Yelled someone.

"What!?" Yelled both Endi and Sahara.

"Kill the Infection!!" Yelled the rebel. The group of 5 rebels began to launch several attacks at them in several different ways each, with some of the bystanders helping out too.

Print tackled both Endi and Sahara and the three hid behind the counter of the bar.

"Well great, now how are we gonna get out of this one?" Asked Sahara.

"We have to get out of here, but we can't hurt all those people," said Endi.

"Even if they're trying to bump us off? Fair enough," said Sahara.

Print wrote, "Can't you make an opening for us to escape with your magic?" 

"Too risky, I could hurt those people," said Sahara, "You are gonna have to use a Power Fruit, Hard-Boiled."

Print nodded, turned on his Knight-Visor, and pulled out a Power Fruit. A big apricot that had light blue crystalline properties and color. A Cryo Fruit.

Print ate it whole, spat the seeds, put said seeds in a pouch, and got ready to fight. His hair was tainted light blue with a slight sparkle and shininess to it and so did his eyes.

He jumped over the counter and stabbed Eskewbur into the ground, letting the flow of magic affect its surroundings. He sent the Cryo Fruit Magic to the attackers and summoned a wall of ice to keep the attackers away from the team's escape.

He signaled the teenage girls and they began running away.

He heard one of the Dark Armada Rebels say, "A Knight-Visor? He works for the oppressors of the Purity Monarchy!" This got the customers of the saloon to get even more railed up.

When out of the Saloon, they spotted Simul, who was dressed as a cowboy for some reason, and Tae. 

"Hey, guys!! Why are you–" 

"NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, TAE!! JUST RUN!!" yelled Endi as they forced the two cousins to run away as well.

More angry people and several more Dark Armada Rebels began chasing them more.

"Why are we running again?" Asked Simul while using Ice Skates to run as fast as his small legs could take him, not really sounding as if the situation mattered.

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