Chapter 4: The Blade and the Shield

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"Coming up with an order of two Motto Motto Cinno for two bored and broke cousins!" Yelled Simul.

No one came. Only his cousin, who was leaning along the wall of the empty cafe, was there. 

"Like hell someone is gonna order anything from your crappy cafe," snarked Tae jokingly. 

"Hey you work here as well, so it's our crappy cafe!" Replied Simul. Tae really didn't get the chance for proper education due to her... appearance, so Simul, being the kind and responsible older cousin, employed her as a waitress, with her only payment being a roof under her head and food.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever... say can we just close down and do some fight practice. I haven't had a proper match since fighting those damn punks..." said Tae with bloodlust in her eyes.

"Those 'punks' were our only customers that we've had in 2 weeks, yes they were rude but they were still gonna pay for food. And keep your predatory instincts in check," replied Simul. "And you know I can't put up much of a fight unlike you."

"Yeah but your defense is one of the best," said Tae with sparks in her eyes. She's been way too battle-addicted ever since learning martial arts from Internet videos, and even before that she was already plenty battle-addicted. Wasn't that stuff supposed to be for self-defense?

"Ay, ay, ay, what am I gonna do with you," said Simul with a sigh. He went towards his cousin and handed her the mug of coffee. She took it only to later be head patted by her cousin. Simul was a small lad so he pretty much had to stretch with all his might to reach her spiky head. It startled her a little bit and blushed.

"I told you not to head pat me!" Yelled Tae with a big blush. 

"You like head pats, admit it," replied jokingly Simul. 

"Do that again and I'll pierce you like a kebab!" Yelled Tae. She really likes head pats, she's just too darn prideful to admit it.

"Yeah whatever," replied nonchalantly Simul. He looked at the capital Seed City, inspecting all the hotties that came by. 

"Maybe something exciting will happen," said Simul to himself. He took a sip of his coffee and sighed.


"Thank you so much young lad, " said an elderly woman Print had helped. This was the 17th time Endi had stopped their trip because Print had selflessly decided to help someone in need. Was it a good and noble thing? Yes. Did it get annoying easily? Of course.

Print smiled, bowed, and waved goodbye. Ever since their little stunt in Grapefruit Town a week ago, the pair had to watch out in case Purity Monarchy Knights realized who he was. Luckily they never found their tree shack. Somehow.

To cover his identity, Print has been wearing a Dark Armada Hood-Scarf which he never really explained where he got it from, to cover his face. It was lighter in color than the ones the Dark Armada uses so people really didn't think he was a rebel of the Dark Armada. That and Hood-Scarfs are a relatively common fashion choice 

His Knight Visor did raise questions, but they were easily able to deflect suspicions due to the fact that the Purity Monarchy began selling downgraded Knight Visors for people to use. The official ones were for the noble people, but the pirated ones were far and few but still notable.

"Are you finally done, come on I need to get to the market for new parts for my totally legal inventions and to buy us extra supplies since I can't have you sleeping on the floor," exclaimed Endi. After avoiding border security like the pros that they were, Endi and Print were able to get inside the Capital of Kudamon, Seed City.

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