Chapter 19: Strength in a Dream

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"At least you'll take this seriously," groaned Knight Captain Oliver as he prepared to fight.

Just let more than usua—WAIT NO!! LET IT ALL OUT!! NO MORE FEAR!! thought Sahara as she aimed her staff at the two combatants. She yelled to her new teammates, "EVERYONE!! Get back as far away as you can from me!!"

The Grass Ninjas hesitated, unsure as to why Sahara would say that, but the face Sahara made answered all their questions. An expression devoid of fear replaced with complete and utter bravery. The Grass Ninjas tried their best to move their opponents as far away as possible, with only Hoshi having an easier time.

Sahara faced her opponents with a devilish grin, and like a true spellcaster, she chanted,"DIRT ATTACK MAGIC!! DIRT BLAST!!!"

The Dirt Blast was highly different from her previous ones. More powerful, fierce, precise, and all too immaculate than any attack ever performed. The blast flew at the Rebel and Knight, so fast, they didn't have a chance to dodge. The impact hit both at the same time.

They were blown back many feet away, crashing into the tusky trees. They instantly tried to get back up, yet it felt like every nerve in their body was going haywire at the slightest movement. They didn't want to get back up, but they had to. With all their strength, both fighters got back up and prepared to fight. Yet the weary feeling of what they had just unleashed remained.

What the hell... don't tell me she is a Sage... thought both the Rebel and Knight with dread looming by them.

"ALL RIGHT!! NOW THE BLOODBATH WILL BE MORE ENJOYABLE!!" crackled R-Captain Aaban with murderous glee.

The two swordsmen rushed at the Dirt Magician, ready to impale and cut her down. But Sahara was having none of that.

With another dynamic twirl of her trusty Extofact, Sahara sped at the two fighters, preparing her next attack. She rushed as fast as she could until getting close enough to the Knight and Rebel to drop to the ground and stab it with her staff. She yelled, "DIRT ATTACK MAGIC!! DUSTY HYDRA!!"

From the earth itself, several, more ferocious Dirtacles appeared from where her staff had been stabbed into. They danced to live as they launched themselves towards the fighters

The Knight and RRebel instantly began to cut down as many dirtacles as possible, but the more dirtacles went down, more took their place. It truly was a hydra.

The Knight Captain, as a Stonist, was having a harder time dealing with the Dusty Hydra. Normally, a Stonist's Quake-Sight, as it shall now be called, plus the heightened senses of being blind should be enough to deal with aerial attacks or anything not touching the ground. Right now, the Dusty Hydra was being too fast and ferocious for him to even get near Sahara. Plus the Dirtacles were damaging him too.

Now the R-Captain, he was also on his toes every time he cut down one of the Dirtacles. As a Groundist, it made sense. But the sheer power that Sahara had worried him. What did he unleash?

The moment he saw an opening, R-Captain Aaaban launched himself at Sahara ready to deliver a powerful slash. But Sahara noticed this instantly. She stared down at the Rebel with a fiercely dead gaze as she summoned a group of Dirtacles to grab him. He had been stopped.

The Knight was caught off guard by the sudden attack, which was all Sahara needed to trap him too.

With her two opponents trapped in her web, she launched herself upward with a Dirtacle while performing spins and posed with the elegance and style of a dancer. One hand on her hat that was being blown away by the harsh winds and the other on her Staff, Sahara aimed at both of them, pouring as much Magic into this attack.

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