Chapter 7: The Dirt Magician

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What seemed like a standoff, turned into a chase scene. The three teens were currently running away from their attackers, trying to divert the fight to a more suitable area.

"Didn't think that those ranged attackers would be their main line of attack!" Yelled Endi. Print was tapping the ground with his staff locating safe routes and areas to go to. He had about 10 minutes after fighting for 2 minutes against the Knights. They were able to take down only two of the four Reinforcers before they realized that the ranged fighters were too much to handle. 

Print noticed a path they could take and led them there, once they entered, the two girls were highly confused. "Ok, level with me (be honest), guy," said Sahara. "You do realize this is a dead end?"

Print held his pointer finger up, asking for time. He stabbed Eskewbur on the floor, forced his magic upward and caused a pillar of stone big enough for three people to rise. This gave them easy access to the roof. "Well I'll be damned," said Sahara who had already started to run. "Good job."

As they reached the ledge, Print summoned forth a bridge of rock, which was used to safely traverse towards the next roof. Once they passed, Sahara shot a dirt blast and broke it.

The Knight's who had somehow climbed the stone pillar in record time, were already speeding towards the group. "Oh come on! Leave us alone!" Yelled Endi who was getting irritated at their persistence.

"Hey, guy," said Sahara as they landed on the next roof. "Do you sense an abandoned area?" Print slammed the end of Eskewbur harder in order to get a longer reach. Sure enough, there was an open park where no vibrations came from it.

Print smiled and nodded. "Good," said Sahara. "Take us there and we can deal with these goons easier."

They rushed forward and repeated the process of creating a stone bridge and destroying it with an earth blast. They took a left, then a right, then another right, and many more.

Eventually they reached an area where not a single soul was near, safe for the trio and their pursuers. 

"Time for round two," said Endi while activating her glitch bow and rifle. 

"You darn right it is!" Said Sahara who was already walking forward.

"My name is Sahara!" Yelled Sahara. Her tone changed from the regular New Yorker Accent to a way more strong and grand one. She also struck a pose with her staff held towards the Knights, her left hand covering her left eye slightly, and standing in a very dynamic way. "I am the greatest Ground Fruit Magic user in all of Kudamon! The Dirt Magician. My dream is to be able to help and bring smiles to others with my magic, but I will never hesitate to beat people who hurt my friends! Surrender now, or feel the wrath of the desert!" 

At that moment, she had become the spitting image of a powerful witch/wizard. 

"Pfft," went one of the ranged attackers, a Groundist. "Magicians like yourself do nothing but parlor tricks! That's what a magician is! We are Knights of the Purity Monarchy, don't underestimate us!!"

"Very well... Print!" yelled Sahara, causing Print to "look" at her. "Shoot me up with a Stone Pillar!"

Realizing what she meant, Print smiled and slammed Eskewbur into the ground, diverting his magic below Sahara, then shooting it up. She was flying, or she seemed like she was.

"Hahaha!" Laughed Sahara riling herself up. "Dirt Attack Magic!" Her magic was building up from the top of her staff, causing rings of dirt to appear around it, spinning to the beat of their own drum. 

"We might want to step back Print," said Endi who was pulling Print back. He complied.

"DIRT-DEMON!!" yelled Sahara as she shot her attack through her staff. A dust devil appeared, only this time it was way bigger than the other ones Print had seen. 

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