Chapter 3: The Two Armies

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Yesterday, Grapefruit Town would have people from parts of Overgrowth Forest and Seed City walking by, trading items, and sharing news since it was the closest of the Herb towns to Seed City.

Today, it was a warzone

"What in the world is going on?" Wrote Print.

"The damage that a dictatorial tyrannic queen and a maniac of a radical revolutionary can cause," replied Endi. "It's been like this in areas near Seed City, which somehow has remained the stronghold for the Purity Monarchy, everywhere southeast is where the Dark Armada has been having the bigger effect. Overgrowth forest is the only place that divides the two armies. I did hear rumors about operations to go farther west to Burnside Outback and Hydropolis, but who knows how they are gonna accomplish that!"

In the town, there were two types of people fighting; people wearing armor, light for easy movement but sturdy enough not to be penetrated easily, and spiky helmets and Knight Visors belonging to the Purity Monarchy as they swung their swords and blocked their opponents attacks with shields. All, except the visor, are colored white. There were others behind the front line Reinforcers, either shooting lightning strikes or water balls among other things or healing fallen comrades.

The other type of people where their opponents, belonging to the Dark Armada, donned black Hood-scarfs, a scarf with a hood attached to it that is mainly worn with the scarf wrapped around ones neck with the two ends hanging from the back, covering their whole face with just enough visibility, wielding all sorts of weapons from knives, bows, swords, spears, and this world's equivalent of a blaster called a Buster, which uses the users Attack Magic to shoot compressed magic bullets that are just as deadly as a regular Earthly gun.

Though the members of the Purity Monarchy were all uniformed and outright identical, fighting as one, the Dark Armada was composed of people from different shapes and sizes all fighting in any way that seemed to work best, which did at times.

The shields of the Knights of the Purity Monarchy displayed a white X with black outline on the ends resembling strings and a white crown at the top of the X, the new symbol of the Purity Monarchy, while the Rebels of the Dark Armada had a patch on their shoulders with a two headed dragon coming out of a circle surrounded by arrows pointing outward in random directions, their symbol. 

A mundane man would be focused on the battle, almost dreading to join for the cause, but a wise man would look beyond and see the true terror of conflict. Inside the cottages and shacks, families hiding from the forces and those who were not proficient in stealth... well... the screams were enough to understand.

"Why are they fighting?" Wrote Print, giving a disgusted face when writing. He and Endi were watching from afar, closest to the forest, but with enough of a view to make out what was going on. They were on a hill, high above the town but low enough for one to run down safely, that was near the entrance to Overgrowth Forest.

Endi sighed. "5 years ago, the King of Kudamon died. He was a very noble and compassionate man, a role model of sorts to many. His successor was not. The person who took over was his sister, Ellenox. From what I know, she is incredibly controlling, thinks she can run the whole place on her own. She fired the entire council that helped the monarch make decisions, making her in charge of everything. She didn't get rid of the leaders that governed each Power Zone directly, though now they are just doing what she says with a little bit of room to do what they want. Even so, Queen Ellenox has been adding curfews, higher taxes on anything to support her one person rule alongside her growing military of Knights, and has been making it harder for people to move from Power Zones. She even set a law that no one is allowed to sail from Kudamon," explained Endi, her voice giving away her spite.

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