Character Almanac Vol. 1

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Characters in order of appearance in the book, enjoy my art.

Name: Print Balcom

Age: 17

Race: Human

Height: 5'8 ft

Hair color: Gray

Eye color: gray(not blind)

Magic: None, but can gain fruit magic through the consumption of Power Fruits for 20 minutes

Weapon/fighting style/Magic ability: Eskewbur, staff that can emit fruit magic that user has eaten. Does a more barbaric version of Bojutsu.

Goal: Life a live without regrets.

Likes: reading, watching shows, and helping others to the point of burnout.

Dislikes: Regretting, Power Fruit Hangover, being powerless, and jello

Fun fact: his entire family has a dominant gene of having gray hair and gray eyes.



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Name: Endi

Age: 17

Race: Syntaxians (Born in Seed City)

Height: 5'3 ft

Hair Color: Pastel Pink

Eye color: Pastel Pink

Magic: Unnatural; Glitch Support Magic.

Weapon/fighting style/Magic ability: Fight-Mor, Glitch Bows and Rifles, other inventions, and light knowledge of Tae-Kwon-do (basics).

Goal: End the suffering of Kudamon.

Likes: Punk Rock(mainly Blink-182 and Renegade Ballistic), inventing, hacking, and hanging out with people

Dislikes: being alone, The Marauders' music, and being used, 

Fun-Fact: can pull of the Haruhi dance perfectly, also she once hacked every screen in Seed City to play every Shrek movie.



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Fruit Fighters: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now