Chapter 2: Actualization

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The sound of stumbling footsteps filled the forest. Blood and sweat dripping like a leaky faucet. 

Endi was currently carrying Print's battle-tired body on her back, piggyback style, to her home. He was surprisingly light. As much as he hates asking for help, he kinda needed it. The Grass Ninjas' attacks and his lack of skill with a Pyro Fruit led to him having more wounds than his foes, some even self-inflicted. Also, Endi was the only one who knew how to move around Overgrowth Forest. Add the backlash that his Power Fruit gave him after the effects ended, and it was just downright humiliating.

For someone who was a couple inches shorter, she was pretty strong, mainly her arms.

"Hang in there, pal. We are almost there," said Endi. "How are you doing so far?" Print held up a shaky thumbs-up in front of Endi. "That's good to know," replied the horned girl. 

After a while, the pair reached a tree that had a ladder hanging from the top. And where there should be leaves, branches, and a tree trunk, to Print's surprise, there was a wooden cabin instead. It didn't look as if it was built on the tree, more as if it was stuck on the tree. Vines crawled through the sides of the cabin and moss grew like a virus on a subway. The tree itself was about the same height as the rest but it was wide enough to support the relatively average size cabin. 

"Home sweet home. You think you can climb that?" asked Endi. Print nodded, still in shock and trying to comprehend how the cabin got there. 

Print carefully got off from Endi and walked towards the ladder while using his staff as a walking stick. Endi gave Print a boost to get up, the rest he could do on his own. It still hurts a bit, though. 

Once inside the cabin, Print fell to the ground. Endi got inside right after and the sound of a generator being turned on could be heard throughout the dark cabin. Then there was light. 

Surprisingly, it was pretty big. It was a one-room cabin with a modest kitchen to the left of the entrance. To the right, there was a door that seemed to lead to a very small room. There were other things like a desk with a computer and some books on it, a Japanese style dining table, a closet, boxes with writing Print couldn't understand, a bookcase with five rows, a lot of posters taped to the walls with what seemed to be music bands, and a singular futon. 

Endi helped Print stand back up and led him to the futon. "Alright, so from what I saw you only got hurt above the waist, so if it's ok, can I take your shirt off," said Endi as Print sat on the futon. Print hesitated but nodded. It wasn't that hard to take it off. With all the slashes Print got, Endi could just rip the shirt off. 

Please, and I really do mean it, don't get the wrong idea.

Anyway, Endi went to one of the boxes and got out a box. Inside were medical supplies, some recognizable like bandages and syringes, and some looked out of a sci-fi movie.  

Endi added some slime-like substance to the injuries and then wrapped each with bandages. After that, she took out some green glowing liquid and added it to the syringe. Endi injected it into one of his veins, the closest to an injury, and a video game healing sound effect came out of the syringe. Then she pulled a thermometer-like machine and used it to presumably scan Print's body. 

After that, another sound effect played and Endi looked at the screen. She said, "Good, it says here that there aren't any other injuries on your body. You should rest for the ni–"


Endi looked back at Print and found the gray-haired lad sleeping while laying on the Futon. Poor Print, all that amateur battling tired him out that hearing the phrase "You should rest" was enough for him to fall asleep as deep as a tree trunk. 

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