Chapter 13: A Silent Child's Requiem.

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"warning" contains topics related to suicide, anxiety, self-hatreds,  and trauma. 

"You want to know why I call myself a Magician?" asked Sahara as she sat on the moldy couch of the Tree Shack, watching The Untouchables.

"Well yeah, aren't magicians supposed to be the weakest Fruit Magic users?" Asked Tae. Now this got Print's attention, making him put his copy of The Reckoners; Steelheart by Brain Sanderson, courtesy of the market in Seed City, down. If this helps him know more about the lore and magic system of this world, then it might be useful.

"Well sit down children, time for a lesson," said Sahara after pausing her movie and inviting all who wished to learn to sit on the couch. Tae and Print sat down.

"You see, everyone is born with the same level of proficiency and potency in magic, but if you train hard and continuously develop your magic, you'll get stronger. That's where rankings come into play. Rankings help determine one's proficiency and potency with their magic.

She explained, "The first and lowest ranking is Magician, people who aren't too strong and tend to do party tricks and simple things. So pretty much the basics of basics.

"Next is Mage, the average level of proficiency and potency people tend to have once they become adults. It's pretty much in between being weak and strong, not one or the other. Slightly more advanced magic mixed with some more personal flavor to their magic.

"Then there's Sages, more powerful and proficient than Mages. Some of the strongest people, like the Governors and some Magic Masters, tend to fall in this category, though some are in the highest category. So, highly advanced magic.

"Lastly, the most powerful people are the Great Sages. Everyone in this rank is all over the place. They are so powerful and skillful, yet there aren't many of them. As far as everyone is concerned, Queen Ellenox is a Great Sage as well as the Strongest Fighter in all of Kudamon. So pretty much, the top of the top, the best of best."

"OOOOOOOHHH," went Tae, "Then what rank are you? You certainly aren't a Magician, even though you are The Dirt Magician."

"Well..." said Sahara, hesitating to respond, "I'm a Sage..."


"WHAAAAT?!!?!???!!?!!!!" yelled everyone who was in the shack. Tae was flabbergasted, Simul did a spit take, and Endi stopped her project from merely hearing that. Print was just surprised, heavily at least.

"I don't like to tell people that I am some sort of Big Cheese, so not many people know," said Sahara... Bashfully? That's a first.

"But that's so cool that you were able to work so hard and get the Sage rank, I expected nothing less from you!!" yelled Tae, her eyes sparkling of excitement.

"I want people to know me for my shows, my flavorful magic, and how I can bring joy to people, not by a rank, so I don't tend to tell people this," said Sahara while rubbing the back of her head with a meek smile. No wonder she would always put on a show whenever she had a chance.

"I call myself a Magician because I always found Magicians, especially the entertainers, to be the most passionate of all Magic users because they don't care about strength, they just want to make people smile," said Sahara with a sense of pride in her voice.

"I wonder what rank I am..." said Tae, daydreaming about being the very very strongest.

"From what I have seen, you are a Mage," said Sahara in a matter of fact way. Tae froze in place and dropped to the ground.

"I am a Mage, an average weak Mage..." said Tae over and over while doing a fetal position. Her pride must be shattered right now.

"Hey, Hey, don't worry, Bearcat. I got the Sage rank because I kept training nonstop over and over. It's hard to raise towards Sage rank, let alone Great Sage. But if you ask me, I think you will get the Sage rank in no time," said Sahara reassuringly. 

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