Chapter 22: Punk Hazard

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In a sense of Deja Vu, Print fell face first on the floor of a void, but instead of blue, it was green. Mossy green. Print got back up while taking in his familiar surroundings.

Green, black, and the infinite void. Yeah that checks about everything. If this is the afterlife then it sure is boring.

Without a white door to go through, Print sat down to ponder the question that had decided to plague his mind: How did he get sent to a void this time?

If I remember, me and Endi were watching over the Premo-Stone, the Grass Ninjas were sent down to fight as reinforcements, then Tae and Sahara came crashing in from the floor, the commanders came... oh piss rat...

Looking down at his left hand, Print pulled off his fingerless glove, making him realize that all of his clothes he had been wearing were still on him, to see that his entire left hand was now colored pitch black with only a weird symbol glowing from the top of said hand. He had just realized that he was the one to touch the Premo-stone.

DAMNIT!!! Now I am stuck here, about to get some sort of stupid vision, while Endi and the rest trying not to die... pondered Print as he let out a heavy sigh. Even in the void his frustrations remained in his mind alone. Even when he realized that this would mean that he would get hunted down by everyone in Kudamon, his ever growing frustration was locked inside his mindscape.

So many things are happening and I am the only one who has been useless!! I either have to get my ass saved or I am having a fucking panic attack!!! I just HAD to accept Mori's request, dragged my friends into this mess, and now we might die!! All because of me... screamed Print internally as he fell back on the "floor" as he gritted his teeth with utter frustration. Who the hell do I think I am to pull some stupid protagonist bullshit like this.

From somewhere in the void, a low hum resonated from the wall-less biome. Looking towards the direction of the sound, there was the stone. The same DAMN STONE that's keeping him away from helping!!!

Print got back up rather quickly and stormed towards the stone, wanting to just get the whole vision thing over with. Print doesn't have any magic whatsoever, so it probably will be something vague as hell. Whatever it would be, he would have to deal with it one way or another.

When he finally got to it, the same alluring feeling to touch it called to him, so of course he touched the mysterious floating rock.

And when you touch something weird without even considering what could happen, of course you get traumati—wait what?

The moment Print's hand touched the stone, a swarm of lights flashed by Print, as his mind's eye began to be shown the vision. A vision that might as well be just a pure nightmare.

It was like watching a well-made movie, you can't do anything other than watch and immerse yourself into the story unfolding before your eyes. Or in this case, accepting that you are being immersed against your will.

There was a barren field, stretching miles and miles from where the naked eye could see. Life could not be seen, yet it was still there. As if it was destroyed and being created at the same time.

Then, a white colored puppet master of sorts carrying various strings and wooden crosses appeared from one side of the field. Parallel to him, a massive black two-headed dragon emerged into the field. Both combatants stared down at each other before leaping towards their enemy and ensuing a catastrophic fight. The moment their attacks connected, all hell broke loose.

What would resemble a spitting image of a nuclear massacre ensued all over Kudamon. People fled, screams rang throughout the kingdom, blood gushed out from several different places. Suffering was the only thing felt throughout the scene.

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