Chapter 8: Training

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""I'm so cold," groaned Edato, the Grass Ninja with a ponytail and Venus flytrap gloves, as he used his Foliage Arts to make a Bush Blanket to warm himself in the cold night. No one in the Quartet knew how to start a fire, and fire would attract monsters.

"Stop complaining and go to sleep if it bothers you so much," said Hoshi, the kunoichi with a pouch of leaf covered balls, as she tried to sleep using Bush Blanket. They haven't been able to make any money, and hunting for Anisters has gotten more rough than usual.

"Well if I'm so annoying why don't you say it to my face," said Edato while putting on one Flytrap Glove. Hoshi sat up and looked at him, then said, "Oh you wanna fight, Punk-Tail?"

Mokuibara, the ninja with a Mohawk who can't speak, growled like a bear as he was being disturbed from his sleep. This prompted the two ninjas to cease all hostilities..

This did not last long since Hoshi had stuck her tongue out at Edato. This made him snap.

In almost record time, Edato went from sitting to running towards Hoshi. "THAT'S IT! I'M GONNA TEACH YOU NOT TO MESS WITH A MEMBER OF CLAN MOMIJI!" yelled Edato as he prepared an attack with both Flytrap Gloves.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHY CLAN SAKURA IS BETTER THAN YOUR SORRY EXCUSE OF A CLAN!" yelled Hoshi as she grabbed some effect spores balls, the only form of effect conditions that affect a Herbist are from another Herbist otherwise they are immune to all.

"ENOUGH!" yelled a dauntless and harsh voice that shook the trees to their very core. The two ninjas stopped and looked towards the voice's origin. It came from their leader, who they swore loyalty and their swords to 2 years ago, Bushi of clan Nagi.

"Don't fight against each other, I don't care if it's only with your abilities or, Kami-Forbid, your swords! It brings shame to the Quartet!" Yelled Bushi. He had been meditating away from the group without using a Bush Blanket.

"You are right, Anaki, please forgive our actions," said both of the ninjas at the same time while kneeling down.

Bushi looked at both of them and simply said, "Whatever."

Edato and Hoshi looked at each other, and Edato whispered,"Is Anaki ok?"

"He's still pissed that we had to steal from people just because we didn't have money,"whispered Hoshi.

"And we agreed not to talk about it!" Yelled Bushi who could hear them easily.

Hoshi dismissed herself and went to sleep. Meanwhile Edato, who has known Bushi the longest, walked up to Bushi and asked, "Anaki, what should we do? We are running low on supplies and it's been hard to get food. You really think we will be able to find the princess?"

Bushi sighed and looked at his friend and said, "We have to, it's the only way for us to be allowed back into Garden Valley. For us to get back our honor." It had been two years since they were banished and have stuck together ever since, forming the Grass Ninja Thief Quartet, which started as an insult until the name grew on all of them.

"I'm still thinking about that guy with the gray hair, and that girl with horns..." said Bushi deep in thought.

Edato realized what he meant and asked, "You think that it's her?"

"Maybe," said Bushi. "But if it is, we must not hesitate. We can't afford to fail." He said this with anger and pent up hatred that seeps from his very core in his voice.

Edato looked at his leader, leaves covering part of his face, something all of them have done after their banishment. He has changed so much since the banishment, yet he was still Bushi, determined to achieve his goals no matter what. After all, you can't become Shogun of Overgrowth Forest if you are banished from every town in Overgrowth Forest.

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