The Life of A Royal

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Joel's Perspective-

I feel like when people look at the royals, they think that we have it good.

We're rich, have a lot of power, and can do basically anything we want!

Well...that's partly true.

The one thing we don't have is freedom.

Ever since I was born, my future has been set in stone. I was basically guaranteed the role as king, even if I didn't want it.

And trust me when I tell you, I did not want it.

I've always been a bit rebellious.

My dream was to be a knight and fight, not just sit around all day and make dumb rules.

But my parents were having none of that.

I always had lessons on proper manners and etiquette when eating a meal.

I don't care what kind of knife I need to use when cutting up steak! Why can't I just go out and fight?

But no one listens. Well, except for my friend fWhip. He listened to me, but he didn't always give advice.

He wasn't great at the advice part. The best he could do was just tell me he understands and that's it.

But beggars can't be choosers.

Right now, it's my 16th birthday. My parents were holding a festival for me and later that evening we would be hosting a big dinner where all the rulers of the empires would come and feast with us.

It all sounds good until you realize that I'm still stuck in my room up in the Mezalean palace, listening to my father lecture me on being a proper prince and not messing up.


"Mhm...yeah..." I said passively, not paying attention.

My father sighed, "Joel, can't you at least try to pay attention?"

"Oh- I'm sorry, but you are holding a festival for me AND YOU WON'T EVEN LET ME GO!"

"Fine! Go down there then! But know that if you mess up at this dinner tonight, then you will be stuck in this castle until you learn the proper ways to act."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm going, bye!"

I sprang up from my chair and dashed downstairs.

I ran to the festival and marveled at everything.

"Hey! Joel!"

I turned around and saw my friend fWhip standing next to his sister Gem.

I smiled and jogged over to them.

"Hey fWhip! Gem." I nodded towards them, and they both smiled.

"How'd you escape? I imagined you were going to be there for hours." fWhip said and I chuckled.

"My dad let me out. But he said if I don't act like I'm supposed to at tonight's dinner then he'd be keeping me in the castle until I learn my lesson."

fWhip winced, "Jeez, that's harsh."

"Tell me about it." I groaned.

"But look on the bright side, it's your birthday!" fWhip said, and he started to sing a really off tune version of 'Happy Birthday'.

"Oh my cod, shut up." I elbowed fWhip playfully and he laughed.

"Sorry, I had to."

"You didn't have to."

"I had to get revenge somehow."

"Revenge? For what?"

"You literally trained one of your messenger birds to sing happy birthday to me last year."

I burst out in laughter.

"I forgot I did that!" I laughed and fWhip rolled his eyes.

"Dude that bird would not stop."

I kept laughing and fWhip chuckled.

"Anyway, I got you a little something." He said, fishing around in his pockets.

"Oh? What is it?" I asked, tilting my head.

fWhip took out a box and handed it to me.

I opened it and hair dye.

"Er- thanks?"

fWhip chuckled, "I didn't just give you hair dye. You see, since I know how much you love to rebel against your parents, I asked my mom to put a spell on it so this dye will never fade or wash off. So maybe don't dye all of your hair."

"Woah! Thanks dude! I'll try this out later!"

fWhip smiled.

"Now, let's go check out what this festival has."

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