The Mezalean Princess

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 Maggie's Perspective-

Maggie sighed as she sat down on a bench in Mezalea.

Her family was off figuring out an alliance with The Ocean Empire, so she was left at the palace with a couple of guards.

I wish I could go with them; it seems fun to work on alliances and learn how to protect a kingdom. But I guess all I have to do is wear ball gowns and stand in Joel's shadow.

Maggie then saw her family return and she smiled, walking over to them.

"Hey! You guys are back!"

Maggie's mother wrinkled her nose and she sighed.

"Maggie, how many times do I have to tell you to stop running around in your dresses? This one's all dirty."

Maggie grumbled and rolled her eyes.

"Doesn't matter, is your alliance thing sealed?"

"It does matter and yes, it is." Maggie's mother said, dusting off her dress, "Now come on, I'll help you get changed."

Maggie sighed and followed her mother upstairs.


After Maggie argued with her mother about dresses, Maggie was left alone in her room.

She grabbed a piece of parchment and started to write out a letter to her friend Pix.

"Maggie, do you mind if I come in?" Joel asked, knocking on the door.

Maggie looked over her shoulder.

"Oh- yeah."

Joel walked in and he smiled nervously.

"Why do you look like you did something nefarious? Did you steal something without me?"

Joel chuckled, "No, I didn't actually steal something this time."

"It's weird seeing you start to care about this kingdom. You've always wanted to do your own thing. I can't tell if this new you is good or bad."

Joel shrugged.

"Who're you writing to?" He asked.

"A friend." Maggie said dismissively.

Joel raised an eyebrow and snatched the letter.

"Hey! Joel!" She shouted and Joel laughed, trying to read it.

Maggie grabbed the letter from her brother and threw it in her desk drawer before sticking out her tongue.

Joel chuckled, "Writing to your little boyfriend?" He mocked.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Maggie sighed and folded her arms, "He's just a friend..."

"Mhm, sureeeee." Joel smirked.

"I- whatever, I still can't tell if I like him or not."

"You still worried about that?" Joel asked, a bit concerned.

Maggie shrugs, "I don't know. I just don't know what I am anymore. I feel so out of place..."

"Hey,'s gonna be alright."

Maggie doesn't look convinced.

"I actually have something I wanted to tell you. And it might make you feel better." Joel smiles a bit.

Maggie tilts her head, "What is it?"

Joel took a deep breath, "I wanna tell dad that I wish to abdicate my power and for you to be queen."

Maggie's eyes widened.

"You wish to what?!"

Joel chuckled nervously, "Surprise? Sorry if you're not okay- "

"No! Go do that! Yes! I wanna be queen!"

Joel blinked, "Wait- really?"

"Yeah! I- being ruler and making these decisions sounds incredible."

Joel smiled and ruffled Maggie's hair.

"And I know you'll be amazing at it."

Maggie giggled and pushed Joel away.

"Stop being so cringe. Now come on! Let's go tell mom and dad!"

"Woah, hang on. We still have to come up with a way to tell them. We can't just walk downstairs and tell them that I want to give up my royal power and go be with Etho. They're not going to take that well."

Maggie was about to speak when someone knocked on the door.

She opened it and saw Cameryn there.

"Dinner is ready you two."

Maggie and Joel exchanged looks.

"Well, I guess it's now or never."

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