My Kingdom, My Fault

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Joel's Perspective-

    Joel's father sighed, "Listen, son, we need you and Elizabeth to have a dance so her parents will see some sort of romance between you two and then be okay with you two marrying."

Joel felt dazed, "H-hang on, what if I don't want to- "

"Joel, this is for the sake of our kingdom. Do you really wanna back down?"

Joel bit his lip and then shook his head.

"Good. The ball will be held this Friday."

"Wait why can't it just be our families?"

"Well I figured we might as well invite every empire. And maybe if we invite everyone, we could stop this crazy war all together."

Joel sighed, "Okay..."

"Now, go inform Maggie about this."

Joel nodded.

Joel trudged upstairs and knocked on Maggie's door.

The door opened and Maggie stood there.

"What?" She asked.

"We're having a ball on Friday." He mumbled.



Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Let me guess, dad's trying to tell you that if you don't do this then you won't be able to go outside anymore."

"Maggie, there might be a war happening and if I don't get married to Lizzie, then we may be in danger. My kingdom could be in danger!"

"Since when you care about that stuff?" Maggie asked, watching as her brother paced around her room.

"Since now! I mean, what if we get in this war and I can't save you or Etho or- "

"How come Etho is the second person you thought of?" Maggie asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

Joel blushed and Maggie giggled.

"You little- come here you!" Joel tackled his sister and started to tickle her.

Maggie broke out in laughter, trying to get away.

Cameryn then walked over to Maggie's room and smiled as she saw the two giggling.

"Alright you two, calm down for a minute, we need to talk about Friday." She said and Joel stopped tickling his sister.

"Joel, your mother wants you to wear the suit you did on your birthday, but Maggie she wants to get you a new dress."

"What? Why? All my dresses are fine!"

"Well she- "

"And why can't I just wear a suit like Joel? We'd match and it'd be way more comfortable!"

Cameryn sighed, "I know you'd like that, but your parents wouldn't."

"Who cares what they think?"

"They do, the kingdom, the other emperors. I know you hate wearing fancy ball gowns, but it's just going to be for a couple hours."

"A couple hours?"

Cameryn sighed.

"It's not that bad, you can do this." She said seriously and Maggie grumbled.

"And besides, guys like girls in ball gowns. Maybe you'll end up dancing with Pix." Joel teased his sister, and she blushed a bit.

"Shut up!" She shouted and Joel laughed.

Maggie sighed, "I don't even like him anymore."

"Oh? What changed?"

"I don't know. I don't think I liked him in the first place, and I just felt like I needed to like someone, and we had spoken a bit at the time, so my brain just took over."

Joel hummed and nodded.

"Maggie, your mother wants to talk to you about ball gown colors." Cameryn said and Maggie sighed.

"Alright, I'm coming." Maggie stood up and walked downstairs.

Joel sighed.

"Let's just hope everything goes well."

Okay so before all you Olix shippers light up my comment section with 'PIX SHOULD BE WITH OLI HASFGHSAJKBJJFDK' I know, I know. But first off, Oli isn't in ESMP S1 and second, I don't think I'm even going to have Maggie and Pix be together! It's just a little detail that I thought would be cute! C H I L L

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