Our Kingdom Lies On Your Shoulders

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Joel's Perspective-

Joel grumbles as he's taken back to The Ocean Empire.

His family was having a meeting with Lizzie's.

"Elizabeth, why don't you and Joel go up into your room? We'll call you down to discuss what we settled on." Lizzie's mother said and Lizzie nodded, leading Joel through the towers.

"So this war has definitely started, huh?" Joel asked and Lizzie sighed.

"Yep. Dad's been stressing about it and worrying Jimmy."


Lizzie showed Joel to her bedroom, and he was amazed at the view.

"Wow, your empire is so vast and beautiful." He said breathlessly.

Lizzie smiled weakly, "Not for long. It's going to be a blood bath now that all the salmon and cod are going to war again."

Joel frowned.

"Hey, I'm really sorry this is happening." Joel said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"And I'm sorry you have to be married to me."

"It's not that bad, I like your chaos."

Lizzie giggled.

"Yeah, but you and Etho would be happy together."

Joel sighed, "I don't know what to tell him..."

"I guess just the truth."

"Yeah...I just...I wanted things to work out with him, and I thought I could keep rebelling and get my way out of this, but now I can't. If I bail, then my kingdom could be in danger. It's all up to me, you know?"

"But...you deserve to be with someone you love. It's not all rested on your shoulders."

Joel raised an eyebrow.

"There's Maggie too." Lizzie pointed out.

"I- but I'm the older sibling, I take over, I have to- "

"But if you don't, who does the throne go to? Your sister."

Joel's eyes widen as it clicks in his brain.

"I've seen Maggie, she's a lot smarter than people think. And she's told me that she wants to rule an empire like me. I think she'd be great at it."

Joel chuckled, "Yeah, she's good at those things."

Someone then knocked on the door and it was Lizzie's houseworker.

"Your parents wish to speak with you both." She said and she led Lizzie and Joel to the main tower where their parents were.

"Oh good, you two are here. We have decided that you two will be getting married as soon as possible in order to form an alliance and stop this war."

Joel looked down and his father pulled him to the side.

"Joel, listen to me, we need to do this, for our kingdom. I need you to marry Elizabeth to protect Mezalea. Do you understand."

Joel hesitated and he glanced at Lizzie, who was giving him a look.

He bit his lip, knowing that he had to say something before it was too late.

Just say you wish to abdicate your power!!

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